I am the Ancient Sacred Ice-Blue Phoenix!

The old Master Long sighed. 

"My granddaughter sure is outstanding." His voice is full of helplessness, but his eyes and expression are full of pride.

'Being in her past life, or this one, she's always outstanding.' Thought in his mind. 

"Well, I just need to continue to guard her, until she comes back." Said the Old Master. Meanwhile, he sits down on the ground. And his eyes were on the place his granddaughter disappeared.

He knows where can she be, but he can't go down, because there is a powerful force that obstructs him from advancing. So, he gives up. He can pinpoint where the toddler is, so he's not worried about her.


Coming back to Xiao Ling…

"Judging from the size… Could it be… A toddler-like Mythological Beast will hatch? Just like in one of my favorite books?" Xiao Ling tilts her head to the right, with her eyes full of expectations. But then an ice-blue bird image came to her mind.

After the eggshell split open, what it revealed wasn't a child, a toddler just like she said, but was a tiny blue-bird who stuck his two wings out straight, sprawled flat on the ground. 

Even if the bird is small, the ice-blue plumage made it look commanding, noble, and gorgeous. She could not describe the feeling inside her heart, but the familiarity and attachment within her and the bird made her feel moved. 

Her heart thumped faster, watching the bird struggle to stand upright. 

'It looks like a plump Feather's ball,' exclaimed Xiao Ling in her heart.

She waited for the bird to get up, but her nerves wouldn't let her. 

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when a faint golden glow imbued with a dense power aura swung out around its tiny body. She felt it was like the pool. Which gradually faded. It seemed like it had just woken up as it slightly raised his head and opened his eyes that were clear as water, bewildered and disoriented as he stared at the wet Xiao Ling.

Until their eyes connected. Those lovely, deep ice-blue eyes made her feel a ray of warmth in her heart. It's different from when she saw Jin. It's as if the bird in front of her was a part of her. 

Nostalgia invaded her heart, but she didn't know where that nostalgia came from. 

It was only moments later that it gave a reaction. The pair of ice-blue eyes stared, and a pair of blue glowing flames burned within them. It jumped up suddenly and stuck one wing against his pudgy waist and pointed out with its other stubby wing at the toddler Xiao Ling on the ground, his childlike voice filled with brazen rage that one could not take seriously.

"You! You're just a child… I am the Ancient Sacred Ice-Blue Phoenix! You... You had the audacity to visualize my divine image into a little, clumsy, and plump normal bird!"

The cute bird's rage makes her unable to get angry at him. If the bird can speak, it means that the bird is really the mythological bird.

Startled by the bird, she could help but mutter, "Could it be that I have to imagine you as a toddler or something?"

'Won't will he be able to morph into human form after he matures?' Thought Xiao Ling in her mind, but… UPS, the bird can hear it…

"DAMN! Yes, I know I can morph into a human when I mature, but I don't want to be a normal bird…" the indignant bird exclaimed.

He had never for one moment thought that he will turn into a normal bird right after breaking out of his shell! He is the little Ice-Fire Phoenix! Little Ice-Fire Phoenix!

'This plump feathered body is ugly for his mighty status.' The enraged Bird shouted in his mind.

Due to the contract, the contracted owner's imagination of his image would directly affect whether he would be born as a beast or human form. But, even if he was born in beast form, he would have to wait until he fully matures before he could morph into his original Ice-Fire Phoenix form.

"What's the difference? Can it be that you can be a human and not a bird?"

"You don't know a thing… This form is not a beast, this is just a normal bird!!!" raged the Young Phoenix.

'Only the Firmament knows how long it will be before I mature? And before I grow up, I will have to trot out around in this little bird form?'

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, and the more depressed he became. He wanted to cry, but he did not want to let the toddler in front of him see that, so he could only stare intensely at the culprit behind all of this.

Xiao Ling was shocked and speechless with amazement. 'Did I think about a normal bird before it hatched out of that egg?'

'Come on! She had only just imagined it once, on what the Mythological beast will be and how it would look like when it hatched out of the egg! She had just unconsciously thought of an adorable, plump little bird from her previous life, and it was in a brief moment!' The toddler felt wronged.

She couldn't muse about it, a thought subconsciously flashed through her mind… 'Could I've imagined a mighty bird?' However, she didn't dwell on it.

Seeing the little bumbling bird standing there with a wing stuck upon his fleshy hip, the other pointing angrily at her, fully exposing his bluffing chest. In a moment of itch in her hands, she wanted to caress it, feel the feathers, is just a bird hatched from the egg, but the feathers are not wet. Instead, they look soft and cushy.

She didn't wait for her mind to process the action when her little fingers picked his chest.

"What are you doing!" The bird raged once again. 

A certain proud little Ice-Fire Phoenix was finally aware of his own cuteness and when he was suddenly teased by a toddler, the shock made him feel angrier, whereby he quickly back flogged a few steps quickly giving himself some space from the toddler, who apparently is now his Master.


Thank you for supporting my book. I hope you can continue doing so till the end.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!