
Staring at the golden-robed young man in front of Xiao Ling. She felt something amiss.

"Didn't you say that your body was human? Then… Why is your soul full of black aura?" 

Her questions left stunned, the Holy Supreme Ling Tian. His eyes showed his surprise. However, after a couple of seconds, he stabilizes his emotions.

"You got the Mystic-Jade eyes' skill?" Instead of a question, it was an affirmation from the Holy Supreme Ling Tian.

"Yes, indeed. I got that skill." Nodded Xiao Ling.

"Great. And about my aura, you don't have to worry. My soul was the only thing the devil cultivator touched. It was before I came to this realm. It was when I died. Besides, my soul does not touch at all the items and rewards.…"


As he finished speaking, the Holy Supreme Ling Tian waved his hand as the floor around them got filled with thousands of different scrolls. A table and two chairs in the middle.