Dream or Reality?

Lord Long gives her a grateful look towards his daughter and felt proud of her. 'At least you didn't give me your back. I didn't dote on you for nothing.' Murmured in his heart, smiling smugly. However, when he heard his daughter's next words made his smile froze.

"At least he would not have done it with people around. The doctor was in the clinic. It would be too obvious." Nodded Xiao Ling at her own statement.

Madam Long smiled at her daughter's expression. And an apologetic smile towards her husband. She knows that his heart is bleeding with their daughter's words.

"When I rescue the boy, he told me that his family is people who return two folds what they receive, being favors or grudges. So, he decided to follow me. However, I found him annoying and left him behind."

From then on, I forgot about his existence. I only remembered that when I heard about someone called Sir Lu, it would be him…