Future Wife

After a while, Xiao Ling wakes up, her spirits are not as high as the day before. She feels worn-out and dizzy. Not like last night, but still feels tired. 

When she moved, a knock at the door came. 

"Come in…" Xiao Ling's hoarse voice answered. 

The maid understood, the Young Miss had a hard time in cultivation, so the Second Master wanted her to get the soul herb to give her energy and make her rest of the day. 

"Excuse me, Young Miss." After getting in the room, the maid prepared everything on a small table, the table exclusively prepared for sick people, to eat in their bed. 


"I've brought your breakfast. The second master asked us to inform you about his whereabouts today. He won't be coming to give you lessons." Announced the maid. 

"Oh, do I have to read on my own?" asked Xiao Ling while the tiredness showcased with her pale face.