I’m ready!

(Lance talking to himself) Ugh I couldn't sleep all night thinking about today I still have a few hours till I have to leave I'll probably want to leave around 12:50pm or so cuz I don't want to be late let's see what time is it... ITS ONLY 6:00am I know I sleep for an hour maybe a an hour and a half and that should still leave enough time for me to take a shower change and get there on time okay

Bip BIp BIP! Oh no I slept for two hours even longer then I was planing for but that's okay I still have enough time I feel better than not having slept at all okay shower yeah yeah

(Lance is taking a shower and thinking) Let's see what closes do I wear I have no idea what I'm going to wear maybe if I put on my red T-shit, with black jeans along with red and black choose I think that won't look to bad now let's just hope it's all clean..

(He gets out of the shower) okay now to look for my clothes let's see okay nice nice it's all clean..

(Him talking about to himself) now don't forget to put on deodorant, I won't I won't in fact I'll do that right now okay done, underwear on socks on!, jeans on! And now the shirt okay I have everything right?, Don't forget to put cologne on but don't put to much, yes cologne go it, what's next the shoes, right my shoes my shoes where are my shoes! Crap what time is it! Ugh I have I have 3 hours and 45 minutes to find my shoes eat breakfast of something to fill up my stomach for a bit and make it there in time, let's see if I were my shoes were would I be under the bed maybe? Aha! Found you! Okay but how come there is only one of you here where is your partner maybe they are in the closet where you were both supposed to be... wait a minute why am I talking to my shoe I'm going crazy I get talking to myself but my shoe really Lance Really shaking my head, anyways what was I doing, rip I forget oh well

( he sees himself holding a shoe and asked to himself ) why am I holding a shoe? oh right I was looking for my other shoe, in the closet maybe AHA! Okay I have both of them now, now to put them on okay let's see

(He head to the kitchen) Eve is still asleep I'll make breakfast and leave hers on a plate on the table, what is there too make I'll just make some plátanos and beans that's sounds good at least for a snack... okay I'm done eating I have my keys my wallet my phone okay I have everything and now to head out I'll text once I get there letting her know that I'm going to be in the center of the stationary plaza

(He makes it to the plaza) okay

Hey Ema I know we didn't agree in a specific place Of the stationary plaza for us to meet so I kinda just picked and I'm at the center of the plaza and send!

Maybe I got here too early I mean we were supposed to me up at 1:30pm and it's only 1:00pm Now for the waiting game

(7 minutes later) Hey sorry I showed up late did I keep you waiting long said Ema

Oh no don't worry I was just here early that's all

No well you see I was already in the plaza when you texted me and completely missed the fact that we didn't agree in a more specific place rather than just the plaza

Oh you should've told I could've gone to you instead

No it's okay is better at the center either way we can see what we can do from here

Oh I see I guess it worked out in the end haha

Yeah it did Ema replayed

So did you have a specific place you wanted to go or something?

(Ema) Yes actually I don't know if you know this but I'm a big fan of horror movies and "Anbelle goes home" comes out today and I was wondering if we could watch it?

Yes of course scary movies are my second favorite genre for a movie

Oh really? Then what's your first?

That's a secret that I'll take to the grave hahaha

I see how curious

(From a distance Eve) ugh why are they giggling and like that they better not hold hands or anything!

It's cute and all but why did I have to come with you to spy on them said Geo

Shhhh we are not spying on them we just happen to be standing behind a bush and watching what they do

Who even are you? ( Geo asked )

I am Clara nice to me you

Im Geo nice to me you too

Yeah Geo, Clara is right we are not spying on them we happen to just be passing by that's all

Sure sure if you guys say so

(Clara) I mean if you aren't jealous this sure makes great material for my manga hehe

(Geo)Lol your right

(Eve) come on guys focus I didn't bring you here just for material I brought you here so that they don't do anything weird like holding hands

(Geo) if you like him so much why don't you just tell him

(Eve) I tried but he thinks I'm just playing around

(Geo) than make it obvious

(Clara) Yeah Geo is right if you like him so much why don't you just tell him, but I mean you don't have to if you don't want to more material for me hehe

Guys guys guys! Where did they go!....

A few hours go...

Okay Lance finally left I'll eat and text Geo and Clara to get ready for us to go spy on them and make sure they don't do anything weird

Bip bip bip! Yes?


(Geo to himself) what ready huh oh she hang up on me oh well I guess I'll go back to sleep

Bip bip bip! H-hello


(Geo) Ugh yeah yeah whatever

Bip bip bip yes?

(Eve) Clara Code purple!

(Clara ) say no more I'll have my book and pen ready for material I'll be ready in 2 minutes! Over and out....

...(back to the present)


Sorry for not up loading in a while but I'm back also if you guys have any ideas for other stories or how I can improve my story I just made an Instagram account so go let me know @kaiho_sa_reta_tori thank you