The Return Of Lucifer

Lucifer returned to earth to meet Jill, who had repeatedly called his name under her conscious mind.

"Jill," Lucifer whispered as he reached the earth.

How shocked Lucifer is when it turns out that he is now not at Jill's house as he thought before, but now he is in a place he does not recognize.

"Where is this?" Lucifer whispered, confused.

Honestly, this is the first time he's been there.

'Why am I here? Shouldn't I be around Jill? Is Jill here and not at home? ' Lucifer asked himself quietly.

Lucifer's footsteps immediately stepped according to instinct and also sharpened his ears, making sure Jill's voice was still calling him weak.

Jill's voice slowly grew more and more clear in his ears.

(Sound the door opened)

Lucifer's face immediately caught Jill, who was lying down, decorated with a tube that now adorned her hands and nose.

"What happened?" asked Lucifer coldly, who went straight to Jill's bed.

Hearing a familiar voice, Axel quickly turned around. Not only Axel, but the doctor who had been examining Jill made sure Jill's condition was getting better than before.

"Sorry sir, Miss fell ill, her condition worsened, but now medicine has been given so that Miss can get better again," said Axel while bowing his head, feeling guilty to Lucifer.

"How could Jill fall ill when she was better before Axel?" Lucifer asked Axel.

"Miss does not want to eat or something, and she only spends time sleeping so as not to trouble you if only she met with our people who want to harm her."


Instantly Lucifer fell silent. He couldn't stop thinking about Jill's thoughts like that.

Oh, come on, he had put Axel beside Jill, so it should be fine, and there was no way Axel would just leave Jill when he had officially ordered the young man.

"You guys get out. I'll take care of her," said Lucifer at last.

Axel, along with the doctor, immediately came out according to what Lucifer had said before. Neither of them could argue with anything Lucifer said.

After the two of them were completely out of Jill's room, Lucifer sat on the bench beside Jill's bed.

Jill's face was still pale. It's just that slowly Jill's lips which were originally pale, now began to change color slightly.

Lucifer's gaze focused solely on Jill in front of him. he really felt guilty about Jill's condition.

"Get up. I won't linger there long. I've been here sooner than I promised Jill," Lucifer said in Jill's ear.

The girl still didn't respond. Only the dripping sound of an IV could be heard in Lucifer's sharp ears.

Lucifer sighed softly and rubbed Jill's forehead gently.

"If you wake up, then I'm not going anywhere. I'll accompany you here for a long time," said Lucifer again, whispering in Jill's ear.

Before long, Jill blinked her eyes slowly.

"L?" said Jill the first time after opening the eyes.

Lucifer only smiled faintly at Jill, and stroked Jill's hair softly, without a word coming out of the young man's mouth.

"Is this you? I'm not dreaming? Or am I sleeping for a long time?" Jill asked insistently and was even more excited to question this to the young man in front of her.

Soon Lucifer nodded his head and answered all the questions that Jill had previously asked him.

Drops of clear liquid suddenly filled Jill's eyelids.

The girl cried with tears while sobbing a little to find Lucifer, who she thought she would be able to meet in 2 days, was right in front of her.

Without further ado, Jill immediately sat herself down and hugged Lucifer.

Really Jill was pleased to find Lucifer in front of her.

"Don't go again, I'm afraid, I'm afraid you lied about three days, and you won't come back here. I'm not ready for what happened recently."

Lucifer just nodded his head and cleared his throat lightly. He tried to understand what Jill was feeling, even though Lucifer himself did not really understand the feelings or thoughts that occurred to humans. According to Lucifer, this time, he just needed to say yes to all of Jill's words and without the slightest rebuttal.

"You have to remember one thing, Jill, if I have promised you that I will come back, then I will come back, even if I can't meet the time I told you before, there must be a reason for that, as much as possible I will always fulfill my promise. "

Lucifer's tone now sounded severe and calm. Even reflexively, Jill also nodded her head in Lucifer's arms.

"Don't blame Axel. Axel always took care of me. Even when my bracelet was about to change color, Axel would drive everything for me first."

The young man who was Jill's destiny could only nod his head in agreement with Jill's words. He knew very well that his belief, which none other than Axel would definitely not violate his words, for that he did not expect that the reason Jill had previously called himself was not because many enemies wanted to harm Jill. Still, the fear and trauma inherent in Jill instead became a source of Jill's weakness, which made the girl fall ill again.

The only cure for Jill herself, none other than Lucifer alone!

"After this, I want you to be beside me," Jill whispered, embarrassed.

"You take it easy. I will obey whatever you want."

Jill did not feel the burden or fear that she previously felt. All she felt was just a feeling of pleasure enveloping her heart.

On the other hand ...

"Who exactly is the patient I was treating, Axel?" asked the doctor who stepped his foot together with Axel into the doctor's room.

"Mr. L's lover," said Axel briefly.

"Wait, Mr. L?" asked the doctor, a little confused.

Axel nodded his head slowly.

"Gosh, I didn't know him earlier! Are you sure it was Mr. L?"

A soft nod of Axel's head gave to the doctor.

"Ah ... I do not recognize, this is the first time I see a softened expression like that on Mr. L, wait you say, lover? Isn't that girl an ordinary human? How can?"

This time Axel could not speak further. As Lucifer's confidant, he couldn't easily tell the secret of his superior to the others.

"Okay, I understand."

Axel just nodded and patted the doctor's shoulder softly.


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