You’re Special

Several times Myles chuckled softly, remembering what happened today.

He thought the destiny ball didn't belong to Lucifer. He believes that everything can run smoothly if he manages to take the ball and that the original owner of the ball he can manipulate so that his destiny shifts to him so that he can control the kingdom that should have fallen into his hands if he had not made a mistake in the past and resulted in receiving a punishment that ends on earth.

"Argh!" Myles screamed, annoyed with all the current situation.

The demons or the demons of Myles' followers seemed a little horrified by Myles' behavior which was starting to heat up.

They were all aware that if Myles was in a high temper, then it was possible that they would also be harmed.

"Shen!!" Myles shrieked unexpectedly.

One of the demons approached Myles.

"Why didn't you tell me that the destiny ball belonged to Lucifer's mate? Is it because my powers haven't recovered, and you want to trick me?"

Myles was angry at Shen, one of his followers whom he trusted.

"Sorry, Lord Myles, I didn't mean that. It's just that I think you are aware of it. It's just that the smell of the fate ball that the Lord Lucifer's mate has is the most different. The smell is intoxicating and becomes an addiction for the devils who approach from the destiny ball," said Shen, who was trying to tell Myles the truth, which of course, could not be fully trusted by Myles.

He remembers well that stealth words are not necessarily trustworthy. It only depends on his heart's belief that he can really believe it or not.

"Since when did Lucifer's destiny ball fall to earth?" asked Myles, who knew nothing about it. It should be true that he realized it. Only because he was going through his sentence did he become like that.

Some of the powers he has don't work on earth, so Myles was surprised that Lucifer still had powers that pretty much functioned in that different world.

'Tsk, you guys make me jealous of Lucifer, can't you be fair?' Myles' monologue is trying to communicate with the other world.


Lucifer and Jill are still relaxing in the living room, and they are talking to each other about small things, where Jill wants to know how much Lucifer knows about the human world.

"Have you been here before the ball of your destiny fell?"

Lucifer seemed to think for a moment. Honestly, he doubted it, as he remembered he had been to the human world, only he didn't know when it would be. A faint memory that was only in his head.

Jill nodded her head, affirming Lucifer's words, besides that was not what she wanted to explore further about Lucifer. The most important thing for her was that she could find out how far the young man in front of her understands human feelings, which can be said to be complicated. Sometimes it doesn't even make sense of what he's thinking.

"Can I temporarily keep the ball of your destiny? I think that ball can trigger my followers to follow you," said Lucifer trying to remain calm after conveying what he felt.

Jill frowned in confusion. Didn't the fate orb belong to her, then why would Lucifer want to keep it.

That's more or less what Jill had in mind.

"I think the ball is changing color right now, Jill. Did your body ever feel that you weren't feeling well?"

Jill, who heard this, didn't really understand what Lucifer said. She only remembered that she felt unwell when Lucifer returned to his world.

That's all she remembers!

Seeing Jill who didn't answer anything, Lucifer finally decided he didn't want to continue. He didn't want Jill to become more and more confused with the rules, which he himself didn't clearly know about the causal effects that would occur if his partner was from humanity, not his fellow race.

"That's okay. You don't have to answer it. It seems I was the one who said it wrong," said Lucifer, who sounded wise in Jill's ear.

The girl just blinked her eyes slowly and nodded her head.

"What is the real function of the destiny ball for your partner?" asked Jill, who was finally starting to get a little serious and curious about it.

Maybe previously Jill only felt that the ball was an ordinary accessory because of its beautiful color and attracted her attention, as well as a symbol that she belonged to Lucifer because the original owner was Lucifer, it's just that what made her curious was whether there was a function if the destiny ball has become her?

"The ball will be your own shield for you, and of course, show, your possession to me, and the ball has strong power if used by you, only if it rolls back on the wrong recipient it will backfire on its own, the ball will start to absorb your energy or mine because I am the original owner," said Lucifer literally trying to explain it briefly. However, he didn't really tell how the ball worked.

"Ah, the most important thing . . . the ball not all of our people or yours can see it."

'Is that so? If from then on I can see the ball of destiny, am I really prepared or maybe planned to be with Lucifer?' Jill's monologue in mind.

"Are you talking about me again, Jill?"

'Shit, I forgot.'

Jill turned her face the other way.

"So you can still read my mind?" Jill asked Lucifer to be sure.

"I hear you calling my name for that I can listen to it unless you don't talk about me or say my name then I can't listen to it, I've tried my best to ignore your thoughts in my ears according to what you said back then, didn't you Jill? "

Again Jill took a deep breath. She couldn't believe that Lucifer did remember well every single sentence she said to her lover.

Jill nodded, nodding her head, admitting that she was the one who had made a mistake earlier.

"Regarding your thoughts earlier, then I will answer it, most likely like that, for that I was surprised when you casually said you really saw the ball well."

This time Jill agrees with Lucifer's words. She herself also doesn't know why she can see it. Even she can hear a voice that, in fact, Lucifer calls the Devil of his people.

"You're special, Jill."
