Louisa Chalondra

"Adios! Why would you say such a thing to my baby?"

"Selina? Is this really you?" Adios mumbled as if he couldn't believe what he had just seen in front of him.

"It's me, why do you say that to him? Can you not threaten him? You know that my son is the only important thing in my life," said Selina who seemed afraid that Adios' plan would not go smoothly.

"Calm down honey, Lucifer will do as I suggest, after all this is for his good," Adios said trying to calm down, but of course not with Selina.

Selina took a deep breath and turned her face away from Adios who she thought was too rash to say Lucifer's own age.

"I said it because it's related to you, this is the right time for you, I don't want to lose you completely Selina," Adios said finally revealing his hidden intentions and goals.