Puppeteer and the Puppet

Author: This is the third chapter I am writing today. It seems that I am a budding Shakespeare. But Shakespeare is a poet and an playwright, not an author😳....shush🤫

Alex seems happy that he had win against Marlene.' I didn't think that she would be the real boss while Micheal is only the shield.'

" Let's review and reconfirm my speculations." Alex muttered. He is now alone in his study and starts recalling today's events.

Hmm..according to the information, most of Micheal's meetings are scheduled in Aurora restaurant. Then according to today's events....Micheal sat opposite to the door while we were sitting in front of him. Mars was with Micheal while Marlene stood near the door. Why did she stand there? If it is to prevent people from disturbing the meeting then they could have made a waiter stand outside the door. Aurora is Micheal's property after all.

It stands to reason that Michal and Marlene are close or Micheal would not protect her form arranged marriages. There would be no problem if she sits with him. Even if she is being professional and serious about her role then she should be standing behind Micheal. Assistants usually stand behind their bosses so as to hand them any necessary things.

There is also the rule that requires people to remove their footwear while inside the restaurant. People usually wear shoes for formal meeting and if they remove the shoes outside then they would be in socks but neither Micheal or Marlene have socks on while Mars has his socks on during the meeting.

I saw that Micheal sometimes moves his toes and looks toward the door. It seems that Micheal and Meghan use their toes as a sign language. Micheal is most likely a young prodigal while Marlene is the mastermind. He listens to her because he knows that his sister is more intelligent and talented than him and he thinks that he has a chance to fight for the inheritance with her assistance. While Marlene relies on Micheal to avoid marriage.

Marlene is very good looking and coupled with her family background, there would be many people willing to marry her and her family could use her to build connections. If she is useless then she will be married away and if she is useful then they could pick some promising man without background and make him join the Lunet family. If she is extremely talented then Steve would try to get rid of her and that would be by searching for marriage candidates from abroad. This way he could remove an obstacle and secure connections.

By controlling Micheal, she could divert Steve's attention and protect herself. If Micheal wins then she could have the entire Lunet family.

George is old and so he might not notice this. Mark and Steve are focusing their attention on business and they are too focused on dealing with Micheal. Paul is running across the country on order pursue his passion for acting and Ben is just a waste so no one in the family should have noticed this.

Micheal is a crack in the Lunet family's defence. I can use this project to drive Micheal and Marlene apart and this will completely cripple the offences from the Apollo and then it will be my turn to start the attack.

Alex stops thinking about Apollo and starts contacting different suppliers to acquire and decides to buy 3/4 of the materials instead of just 50 percent.

'Something tells me that things will not go the way I expected it to be with the Lunet family. It's better to make prepare some contingencies. Let's not make the plans too complicated as the more complicated the plan is, the more factors would be needed to be accounted for.'

I should call Jane to inform her about this.

Alex picks up his phone to call Jane.

Jane, the sister of Carl the boss of Rock scorpion gang. They met while racing, Jane quickly became friends with him because she liked Alex's daring and risky manoeuvres. Alex didn't reject her friendship because he couldn't afford to offend her, his business would require the help of underworld for smooth sailing and lastly, he can see that she is genuinely interested in becoming friends with him.

Carl, Jane and Alex are from similar backgrounds but Carl had it worse. Carl ran away from the orphanage with Jane because there were many psychos who take joy in abusing children. He didn't want to see Jane get hurt and he also feared that there might be few pedophiles mixed in them. Taking care of his sister by earning money in a upright way was almost impossible for him. So he turned to the darker side of the society.

The core of the gang is filled with people in similar situations. It's hard for children to earn money as child labor is banned so no reputable business will hire them and other businesses that hire children often cut off their pay. Children could not anything in that case. Carl started from robbery and then engaged in other deeds like scalping tickets, then moved on to extortion as he grew older and gained few accomplices. The police were very corrupt back then so Carl was lucky and he made perfect use of that opportunity to build his gang to a size where police would have to pay a hefty price if they want to get rid of him.

Then he engaged in other businesses such as bars and hotels, security companies etc. Carl soon built his gang to become the number one force in the underworld of the city.

Alex waits for her to answer the call but it Jane doesn't respond.

'I guess that she is racing or Carl might have locked her up in her room to force her to study.'

Alex puts down his phone and walks to the wardrobe and searches for a while before taking out a simple looking but very expensive black suit. This was his mourning clothes which he is going to wear tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Lia's 2nd death anniversary.