Chris’ analysis and opinion

Chris returns home early to see Alex and judge him. He first asks Lina about Alex.

Lina was very satisfied with Alex and felt that a well mannered boy like him will absolutely take care to Shelly if he marries her. Lina has a sharp intuition and she was observing Alex from the moment she saw him. She noticed that Alex was envious of her interaction with Shelly but he managed to hide it well. People could not notice this if they are not paying immense attention on him.

Alex seeks the love and care from a mother. He never had a motherly figure in his life. The only person he could barely call family was the grandma in the orphanage but he could meet her only a few times in a year.

Lina felt that someone like Alex who obviously seeks familial affection will cherish his wife who will spend time with him for the rest of his life and also respect his in-laws as long as they show even a bit of care. She had decided that she will encourage Shelly to get him.

"I am very satisfied with him. He would be the perfect son in law. I would have suggested to adopt him if Shelly didn't have a crush on him." Chris was a bit surprised by Lina's claims. Lina was a person who doesn't get along with others quickly.

"Let me see what magic he has done." Chris says and approaches the door and peeks in. He spends a lot of time observing Alex. Alex explains some concepts to Shelly and let her do some practice problems and he studies own his own when Shelly is absorbed in the problems but he always pays attention to her and explains patiently to Shelly when she gets stuck.

Alex does not have any special teaching methods or techniques as it was his first time teaching someone. In school, if anyone asks him a doubt, he would just take a sheet of paper and write down the steps of solving the problem. He doesn't explain anything or care whether the other person understood his method or not but this time Alex is explaining the steps clearing and was trying his best to make his understand.

Chris draws few conclusions from watching them. He motions Lina to come with him. They sit in the couch." What do you think of him dear?" Lina asks.

"First I can tell that Alex has no thoughts on pursuing Shelly. His mind must be filled with the thoughts of getting good results and earning money to support himself. He doesn't even think on getting a girlfriend in high school. Since he has taken the job, he is giving it his all to show that he is doing equivalent or more than enough work for the money he was paid. This also shows his honesty and integrity." Chris carefully analyses.

"Shelly has a crush on him so she naturally wants to spend more time with him and show her best sides to him. She will try to improve her grades because she cares about her image in his mind. People will show both their strengths and weaknesses to their love but there should be a good start for love to bud."

"People would first show their best sides to gain a favourable impression of each other, then they will learn about each other's hobbies and manners when they grow class and they also discover each other's flaws and shortcomings and accept them. They do this unconsciously." Chris says.

"So you are saying that Shelly is trying to get close to him by showing her best side to him but Alex doesn't have any thoughts about women at this time so he treats her like he does to everyone else." Lina understood the current situation between Alex and Shelly.

"Shelly needs to take the initiative to chase him in this case." Chris sighs. No father would like his daughter chasing others. For fathers, the daughters are princesses while everyone is a thief and a scoundrel who try to put their dirty hand on their daughter.

Still Chris doesn't plan to intervene. He also has a good impression on Alex but he will still keep an eye on Alex to be sure.

Alex comes out of the room after giving Shelly some assignments which he will correct tomorrow. He is a bit surprised by the presence of a middle aged man in the living room. He understood that it might be Shelly's father.

"Hello sir." Alex respectfully greets. Chris nods in return while Lina speaks to Alex.

"Alex, you don't need to be too respectful with us. You can call him uncle. Why don't you stay for dinner." Lina invites Alex for dinner. But Alex refuses her invitation because of work.

On the way to the restaurant, Alex goes to a book store and buys a book on teaching. Alex thinks that he is not a good teacher and needs to put some effort to improve his teaching.

Alex goes to the restaurant. 'The Miller's restaurant' the name was on the sign board. Uncle Mike the owner of the restaurant is a kind man. Aunt Carla who is his wife was infertile because of some issues Alex didn't know but aunt Carla loved kids very much so they adopted a daughter. They might have adopted more but their family's financial situation is capable on supporting only one child. They made it a point to help other children. They would donate a little bit of money from their savings to some orphanages every month.

All the employees in the restaurant are orphans. Uncle Mike has a good eye for people. All the workers are grateful to the Miller family. Many of the workers are underage but receive the same amount of salary as an adult. Some people know about this fact but none bothered to report this to the authorities.

Alex puts on his waiter uniform and starts serving dishes. The restaurant was quite busy at night so the employees don't have much time for casual banter. After the restaurant was closed they started cleaning the restaurant while the cooks put the excess food made on a table. Uncle Mike instructs the cooks to make a little extra food for every dish and save that extra for dinner. All the workers eat the dinner in the restaurant. They start chatting, talking about their savings, dreams, things that happened in the neighbourhood etc.

Alex stepped out of the restaurant and went towards the bus stop. He takes the bus to his cheap and shabby apartment. His apartment is very small. Opening the door which is worn out, Alex steps in his apartment. The apartment has one bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom there is a bit of space to put a couch, that place could be called a living room. Alex freshens up a bit. Does the daily chores. The wall are dilapidated and the floor tiles are cracked but there is not a single speck of dust on them.

Alex sleeps after preparing for the next day. 'Today is a good day. It will depend on my efforts to make tomorrow a wonderful day as well.' Alex says this in his mind before sleeping. He is a person who is optimistic about the future and thinks that things will get better as long as he holds on and does his best.