
Shelly stare at Alex wondering if she should confess her feeling she has for him. Shelly understood that Alex was focused on the exams and he didn't notice her feelings.

'I have to propose to him directly for him to understand.' She came to this conclusion.

'But will he accept it?'

'What if he rejects me because he is only interested in studies and his career right now?'

'Will he distance himself from me?' Shelly knew that things wouldn't be the same after she proposes whether he accepts or not. She gently caresses his black hair and then lowers her hand to his cheeks. She gets up and approaches his face and stares at him before backing off.

'I can't just steal his kiss. I will do it when he is fully awake.' She lightly kisses his hand instead and goes leaves the bedroom. Shelly does all the chores before buying Alex dinner. She leaves a note on the table with the dinner before leaving.

When she returns home she saw her mother waiting for her. Lina looks at her daughter.

"How did it go?" Lina thought that Shelly went to propose.

"I didn't ask him." Shelly told her mom.

"Why? Did something happen?" Lina approached Shelly and held her hand.

"Mom, I think that Alex will not accept the proposal. He is working hard to get into the college and earning money for his future. He doesn't have any thought of dating right now. I can't disturb and hinder him." Shelly didn't say all her thoughts.

'It's better to be with him as a friend than lose him forever.'

"Okay, like I said, make sure that you don't regret your decisions." Lina gave this final advice before going to kitchen to prepare for dinner.

Shelly had decided to wait until the end of academic year to confess to him when her chances are higher.


Alex's relationship with Shelly and her family improved after he recovered. He was more comfortable with them because they treated him like family. Things went and exams approached.

Alex stopped working from the restaurant but he did not accept his last salary.

"Uncle Mike, you have help me a lot for last 3 years. A month's pay is not nearly enough to repay you but this is all I can do for now. I will never forget your help. I come visit you later."

"Alex, you call me uncle one second but then talk about repaying the next second. Take this if you consider me as your uncle." Mike puts his hands on his waist and looks at Alex. Alex silently took the envelope from the table.

"Good. Come here every once in a while. I know that you will probably eat instant noodles or similar food, that not healthy for long term. Come here for dinner when ever you have time." Mike says this and goes to give salaries to other waiters.

Alex was mildly shocked by uncle Mike's words. He always knew that Mike was a kind and generous person but he didn't think that Mike would consider him(Alex) as family. Alex used to call him 'uncle' as Mike asked him and he complied as he did not want to give bad impression and lose the job. Alex gradually got used to it but had always regarded Mike as a kind employer but not as family.

'I guess that I am too stiff. I don't need to 'repay' them but treat them as my family instead.' Alex smiles and suppressed his tears of joy while walking back to his apartment. He opened the envelope when he was in his room and saw 15k credits in it. He was shocked by the amount as he knew that 15k would not be a small amount to uncle Mike as he would give all his employees a generous salary and also donate quite a bit to orphanages.

Alex gets up to return the money but stops.

'He will not take it back.' Alex was aware of Mike's stubborn personality and understood that he could not change Mike's decision.

Alex put his focus on studies and quit his newspaper delivery job a bit later. He had gathered enough money by working in summer and the landlord grandpa did not accept his rent.

He instead asked Alex to do his household chore and run errands but they never sent him on any errands, the old couple's house also had a washing machine, a dishwasher and a vacuum so Alex didn't spend much time on the chores.

Alex does not intend to quit tutoring as he considers it as revision. He followed his new routine which revolves on studying and successfully ranked first in the country of Solis. He got his desired result. Alex successfully enrolled in the Imperial Institute with full scholarship.

'I should report in 2 months. I can head to the capital and search for part time jobs.' Alex took a day to buy some gifts to show his appreciation for everyone he considered close. He bought many health supplements for the elderly couple, a tie and a 2 necklaces for Shelly's family and few utensils for the Miller family. Alex felt that giving something useful as gift would be better than a decoration.

Alex was going to board the train when he was approached by Shelly. He was surprised in seeing her. Shelly took a deep breath and said,

"Alex,I will definitely get the admission of Imperial institute so wait for me."

'I couldn't confess in the end.' She sighs inwardly.

'I am not sure if he will accept and if I do not get into the same university, than we would be separated for years.'

"Alright, do your best." Alex encouraged her.

"Okay,have a safe journey." Shelly says her part and turns to leave.


Alex and Shelly couldn't meet for a year and they didn't have much contact. Shelly called Alex regularly with various excuses but slowly stopped as she didn't want to take up his time and disturb him. She missed him more than she thought she would during that year which motivated her more to study. She successfully got into the university with the same result as Alex.

Shelly was excited to meet Alex and when she finally saw him waiting for her at the station she was elated.' He looks much more handsome now.' Shelly thought.

Alex was slightly thin when he was in high-school. He was working everyday and skipped meals frequently and combined with slightly faded clothes, he didn't look much better than a average boy but he had gotten a better paying job as he was finally an adult legally and that stopped him from skipping meals.

Shelly began approaching him from behind to surprise him when was shocked to see a female walk to Alex and hold his hand.

'Who is she?' Shelly felt her heart tighten at that sight. She used all her will to suppress her thoughts and met them.

'I need to confirm their relationship.'

"Hi, Shelly." Alex smiles and greeted her when he saw her.

"Hi Alex, it's been a while." Shelly forces a smile and looks towards the woman next to Alex.

"And you are?"

"Hi Shelly, let me introduce myself. I am Amelia, you can call me Lia. I am Alex's girlfriend." Lia smiles and greets her.

"Hello Lia." Shelly tries to act normally but her heart was in chaos.