Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Causes and Consequences Cookies (When touched by someone else, the furious men will turn Qing Qing into a sex slave. The Easter Egg has good things inside)

After Ye Zhixuan finished venting, he finally pulled the murder weapon out of the comatose little sex slave and carried him to the hall.

Ye Qun* saw his little brother who had passed out, and quickly asked what happened.

Ye Zhixuan impatiently explained with a few sentences: "I've been spoiling him too much on these days, and now he has forgotten everything. He only spent a while with me in the study and already shot three times. Really doesn't take care of his own body at all."

"The little thing isn't so obedient these days. Sometimes even in bed, they dare to make trouble," Ye Ling also nodded in agreement, and said to a conclusion, "I think he needs to be retrained."

Ye Qun retorted, "He's been behaving. If he makes a mistake, just teach him a little. There's no need for retraining and be that harsh!"

Ye Zhixuan lovingly let his comatose little son lie on his lap, but what he said was quite different from his gentle movements: "The benevolence of a woman*! Did you forget why we're teaching him to be a sex slave? He can't control his physique at all. If you're not cruel to him, you must be prepared to lose him!"

After listening to his father's words, Ye Qun also fell silent. His thoughts couldn't help falling back to years ago. The time when they decided to put Ye Qing in bed with pain…

Ye Zhixuan was an ambitious man whose heart is solely dedicated to pursuing power and wealth. For him, the so-called love is nothing more than making love to vent. In addition, every woman who went to bed with him even had to take strict precautions. This is just to prevent even the tiniest chance of him dying.

Ye Ling and Ye Qun were both born by surrogacy. On one hand, it was to inherit the family business, while on the other was to silence the old guys who were still alive.

Ye Qing's birth was probably the biggest accident in Ye Zhixuan's life. He could no longer recall the specific details, only remembering the paralyzing alcohol and a woman who is destined to not live long.

Because of her outstanding looks, the woman who owned a gambling debt was sent to the young and drunk Ye Zhixuan's bed for him to vent.

After a night of overwhelming red waves, the woman had long disappeared together with his wallet when Ye Zhixuan woke up. Although the crowd was as wide as the sea, finding someone was just a breeze for Ye Zhixuan. But he disdains it and also doesn't care, so he didn't bother to search at all. Which was a big mistake.

Three years later, a crazy woman pulled a little boy, who couldn't stand still, and rushed out and stopped Ye Zhixuan's car. She opened her mouth and asked for a huge sum of money. She even said if he didn't, she'll kill his monster son*. Ye Zhixuan originally wanted to tell the driver to directly run over, but that boy was already so scared that he didn't even dare to cry loudly.

Maybe this was the wonder of a blood relationship. Looking at that little face, as if a little kitten was scratching on the tip of his heart, Ye Zhixuan's heart couldn't help but suddenly become soft.

He wrote a check at random and took the child over to hug in his arms. The woman who got her wish was so happy that she ran away in circles, but accidentally crashed into a truck and died on the spot*.

He took the child home and named him Ye Qing. While loving him in every possible way*, he found that this little thing was not only born prematurely, but he's also an intersex person. Since then, he has taken care of him even more meticulously, for fear that he might feel like he's not a normal person.

When Ye Qing grew up to twelve-thirteen years old, his two older brothers were finally allowed to return home. Since then, the three men have been spoiling him, like they're afraid of melting the lollipop held in their mouths and of breaking it in their hands. These kinds of days lasted until his first wet dream.

Ye Qing woke up from his father's arms, feeling that his lower body was wet. He was so ashamed that he cried: "Wuwu… Daddy~ Baby didn't wet the bed on purpose~"

Ye Zhixuan smiled gently, "Baby just grew up. From now on you can't sleep with Dad anymore."

"Well, Daddy~ Baby feels itchy~" The little baby on the bed squirmed impatiently, and his hands stretched down unconsciously.

Ye Zhixuan was so stimulated by his temptation that he almost stopped breathing. Since sleeping* with Ye Qing, he has been abstinent for several years. Although he was brutal when doing it, he's actually a very abstinent* man. Suddenly seeing his delicate and pure baby son showing such an alluring look…

He restrained himself by closing his eyes and coaxed: "Okay, be good. Go to school."


Intersex people are inherently sensitive, but Ye Qing was even more so. His body was getting itchier and itchier by the day. His lewdness was like the strongest aphrodisiac. The three men around him couldn't stand it at all, but they were still unwilling to break through the bottom line. Towards their own dearest child and youngest brother, they were unable to do it.

They were reluctant, but it doesn't prove that others were also reluctant. The bodyguard who protected him touched him twice from time to time. Ye Qing, who doesn't know anything in this aspect, didn't understand what it meant. He foolishly thought that the bodyguard was checking his body, until one day he actually was taken to bed by the bodyguard.

When Ye Ling came to look for him, the bodyguard's hand had already reached into the front of the flower hole and moved, and the itchy little adulterous baby even cooperated and didn't resist!

Ye Ling was simply furious! The bodyguard was dealt with on the spot, and Ye Qing was taken to the two other men who were equally angry. At this time, the men of the Ye family realized that the little thing would be tortured to be delirious by lust. He wouldn't even be able to identify who was playing with himself! And the reckless little adulter was still clamoring that his lower half was itching to death.

On the first day of the bud opening*, it was a gang r*pe. The little thing was fucked to the point that he couldn't get out of bed for three days.*

After a good lesson and also deciding to feed him appropriately in the future, the several men thought they were back to their original days.

But they didn't think that Ye Qing's physique couldn't be controlled by himself. If he was not fed enough, it would quickly itch again and it itched almost like a drug. He'd only think of being fucked, not caring at all about who it was.

It seemed that such a small thing is only suitable for being enjoyed by people in bed all the time. Only when played beyond the limit can they relax, they thought. Thinking was thinking, but in the face of the child who has been loved since childhood, no one was willing to do so.

It wasn't until the day that Ye Qun came to pick him up and kissed the little thing in his arms, that he found that something was wrong. Ye Qing's nipples were obviously swollen, and the little thing was afraid of pain. If he played by himself, it would be impossible to be this vicious!

Pinching his chin, Ye Qun asked forcefully: "What's going on?!"

"Hmm~ Still want kisses~ Ah!! It was the Teacher who played with the nipples~ Big Brother don't pinch~ Umm... Because in the teacher's office I was suddenly very itchy. When I woke up, it was already swollen from playing~ Wuwu..."

Ye Qun didn't dare to hide this incident and reported to Ye Zhixuan in secret.

Ye Zhixuan was almost angered to laughter, and asked coldly: "Baby likes to be played by others? Ask a few bodyguards to come in and rape you, will you be satisfied?"

It was the first time that Ye Qing saw his father having such a cold attitude, so he started to cry on the spot, "Daddy~ Qing Qing didn't mean to! Don't wanna be gang-raped... Wuwu... Qing Qing only wants to be fucked by Daddy and Big Brothers~ But, but, Qing Qing is too itchy. Wuwu... Don't even know whose touching."

In fact, the men who knew Ye Qing's physique understood that. It wasn't so much Ye Qing's fault, but rather that they hated their own incompetence! Obviously they knew that he couldn't control it at all, yet they didn't discipline him more. Right now he was only touched by someone. What if he was actually taken to bed later, or even abducted without being aware!? That would simply be a disaster.

Ye Zhixuan pulled him to his feet and forcefully asked: "Is it only when Dad and Brothers satisfy you, play you broken, would you then not dare to itch in front of others?"

Ye Qing, who also hates his physique deeply, cried and promised: "Wuwu, Baby doesn't want to be touched by others at all~ Please Daddy and Big Brothers play until Baby breaks. Baby will definitely behave..." Remembering back to when he was touched several times by someone else, Ye Qing cried even fiercer.

"..." Ye Zhixuan sighed and said, "Then you will be a sex slave at home, understood? You must obediently satisfy all of Dad's and Brothers' desires."

Ye Qing nodded obediently, without any intention of resisting. After all, compared to being touched by others, he would rather willingly be fucked under his father's and brothers' bodies.

"Wuwu~ Begging Masters to enjoy playing around with Qing Qing, and to fuck Qing Qing to death~ Breaking me doesn't matter… Wuwu, Qing Qing definitely will obediently be a sex slave..."

And then, it was the beginning of setting a bunch of rules and training...

"Ah, what are you thinking?"

Ye Qun's recollection was interrupted by Ye Ling's questioning. He shook his head but did not continue to plead for Ye Qing.

Seeing that Ye Qun didn't speak, Ye Ling continued:

"This time the training must be harsher. You can't be soft again. Though your heart can't bear it, his body might not appreciate it. And when the time comes, maybe someone else will..."

"Shut up!" Ye Zhixuan felt aggravated and interrupted him.

But the few men finally reached a consensus, that they must not be soft-hearted. Even if he's played broken, they can slowly nurture him back. By chance he's cheated away, it will be too late to regret anything by then.

[Easter Egg:]

Ye Qing knelt on the ground obediently and listened to Second Brother reading out the rules.

1. From Monday to Friday, give Masters oral sex in the morning. Also has to pay close attention to the time. Not allowed to delay from going out.

2. On Monday and Friday nights, take a break. On Tuesday and Thursday, serve the three Masters separately. On the weekends, enjoy together.

3. When going out, the two small holes must be stuffed. Forbidden to moan, nor allowed to run water.

4. At home, the lower body is not allowed to have clothing.

5. Forbidden to privately ejaculate. On the bed, only allowed to shoot up to three times each day.

6. Absolutely must obey Master's various orders.

7. Forbidden to have close contact with classmates. Otherwise, the consequences will be your own.

8. Every day, must kneel at the entrance to welcome Master's return.

9. Regularly accept all kinds of training, and absolutely not allowed to resist.

10. …