Chapter 9

Chapter 9: "If you don't spray milk today, then I'll play you to death on the bed." Pseudo lactation, can't spray milk so abused by the Second Brother, fucked to milking.

Ye Qun came in* and wanted to wake up the little sex slave, who was fucked unconscious by his father last night. He discovered that his eldest brother was already in Ye Qing's room.

At this time, Ye Ling had already enjoyed enough inside the two small caves and was now hugging the little thing that won't stop crying, while patiently coaxing him.

"Wuwu~ Big Brother Ling is bad! Bad Master!" Ye Qing choked, 'This man is really bad. He fucked me for a long time, yet he didn't let me even shoot once. Although the two small holes felt so good that they climaxed over and over, with the front unable to shoot, how could I feel that it was enough…' Thinking of this, Ye Qing cried even more sadly...

Ye Ling was so troubled by him that his brain was about to explode, so he could only repeat again: "If I said you can't, then you can't. Qing Qing be good~ Since you're still young, you can't shoot that many times..." After thinking about it, He added solemnly: "Qing Qing used the small hole to also feel really good. Currently, I'm forcing you to not shoot. After a while, you'll have to endure it by yourself. If you dare to shoot out, you won't have good fruit to eat*." Then he saw the little slut in his arms cry even more fiercely, and almost completely wet his clothes with tears. Ye Ling covered his face, 'I can't solve this.'

Seeing Ye Qun coming in, he seemed to have seen a savior, "You coax. I really can't deal with him."

Ye Qun raised his eyebrows, 'You coaxed people like that. Then even if you coax him till tomorrow, he'll still be crying.' But he still took Ye Qing into his arms according to his words. His big hands unceremoniously went down to his lower body to touch.

After a handful of cleanness, Ye Qun asked in surprise: "You didn't fuck him?"

Ye Ling touched his nose: "Why would he cry like this if we didn't do it? He just took a bath. You make him stop crying. I'll go see what's there to eat."

Ye Qun smiled, "Not playing with me?"

Ye Ling refused: "No, I have something to do later. You also shouldn't play too hard. The little thing kept calling you to save him, tsk." Although Ye Ling was unhappy, he still clued him in on the situation, "You can play with his nipples, below, forehead, and can be inserted, though I made it… a bit miserable."

Ye Qun responded casually and lowered his head to observe Ye Qing's situation.

Even Ye Qing's inner thighs were covered with hickeys. He didn't know whether it was caused by his father last night or left by his elder brother this morning. The small hole at the back was obviously swollen, and the flower hole wasn't much better. Not only was the cave a bit inflated and turned over, it can't even close up. It can be seen that the battle was intense; the poor clitoris had been played highly swollen, and the genitals could not cover it at all. It could only be exposed to the air without any cover. At this time, Ye Qing's legs were wide open, and his lower body was being stared to death by his big brother. From time to time, he was teased twice by his slender fingers. He couldn't help but blush. Even if his lower body was already overwhelmed, he was unable to stop pouring out water.

Ye Qun witnessed the process of the two small caverns changing from dry to moist. He couldn't prevent himself from teasing him: "Qing Qing still isn't fed full yet? Want Second Brother to go in?"

Ye Qing's eyes immediately turned red from aggravation, "Big Brother Ling didn't let Qing Qing shoot at all~ Wuwu... Big Brother Qun come fuck inside, Qing Qing's front really wanted to shoot..."

At this moment, Ye Qun noticed that his little cock had also been tossed around. Not only did the little thing stand up extremely hungry, but the front end was also swollen and obviously been invaded by foreign objects.

Ye Qun couldn't help but sigh in his heart: 'Playing so cruelly, even the urethra is inserted. It looks like I also have to be relentless.' He hugged Ye Qing up and sat him on his lap, speaking with an extremely gentle tone: "Qing Qing isn't allowed to shoot. You can only shoot once at night. Do you want to tie it up, or could you hold it back yourself?"

When Ye Qing heard that he wasn't allowed to ejaculate again, he felt so wronged that he wanted to cry. But he still knew the current affairs well: "Wuwu… Tie it..." So the little cock was entangled tightly again, making Ye Qing's possibility of ejaculation completely impossible.

Ye Qun held him up in a hurry. He pointed the flower hole at his penis and put it down. This straight up and down posture made Ye Qing feel particularly deep. The small hole clenched firmly again, while the small mouth on top also made a sweet moan.

"Move a bit, Big Brother Qun~ Forget it, just fuck Qing Qing broken. You guys don't like Qing Qing anymore anyways, wuwu..." Ye Qing moaned on one side, but he couldn't help but feel wronged on the other.

Ye Qun almost laughed, 'This little thing will still pretend to be pitiful. No wonder he has to be trained a bit.' So the lower body moved unceremoniously, enjoying the little sex slave who was pressed on the meat stick.

At this time, Ye Qun finally remembered his task: choose a position and train it well. So he leaned to Ye Qing's ear and said, "Every morning Qing Qing eats so much of our semen. Haven't you thought of repaying your Masters?"

'Aren't you guys fucking me super fucking happily!?' Because Ye Qing couldn't shoot out, the whole person felt terrible. He pursed his lips. He originally didn't want to reply, but he still didn't dare not to. He could only whisper, "It's Master who doesn't allow Qing Qing to shoot..."

Ye Qun continued to laugh, but his fingers touched the nipple that was still intact: "Master doesn't want Qing Qing's semen, here..." He said as he scratched the only nipple that was let off by the two beasts with his nails. "Want Qing Qing to squirt milk for Master to drink."

Ye Qing was embarrassed and angry, but it was a pity that he was so weak that he could only shout in a low voice: "Qing Qing is a boy~ There's no milk..."

"Tsk, there's no milk because there wasn't enough fucking. Today, Master must make Little Slut squirt milk!" After speaking, he put one of the red fruit in his mouth and sucked it without gentleness. While the other one fell into the center of his big palm, which pinched and kneaded it. It was really pitiful.

Soon the two poor little things were as hard as pebbles and stood out completely, conspicuously prominent on the flat chest.

Ye Qun took out the thin thread that he had prepared long ago and entangled the two nipples from the roots. The two small fruits were connected by the thin thread.

"Wuwu~ Nipples are so itchy~ Ah Master! So swollen and so itchy. Don't play with the nipples, fuck below instead~" Ye Qing couldn't stand it anymore. His nipples were tied together like this, standing upright. It's as if you can really squirt out milk in the next second. It hurts yet feels good. It's really shameful!

Ye Qun smiled with satisfaction. His lower half continued to play with the little slut's sensitive point, giving him endless pleasure but also not letting him release. In front of him, the nipples that were connected to each other looked really painful.

And so, he stretched out his hand and fiddled with the thin thread. The tight thin thread started bouncing and made a buzzing sound. It brought along the two nipples that were shaking nonstop, causing Ye Qing to moan again.

Ye Qing was almost driven crazy by the pleasure, 'What kind of feeling is this? Being fucked for an entire morning yet not allowed to ejaculate even once. And now the nipples are still being teased like this. A boy is forced to squirt milk by Master. Really rather be fucked to death instead, wuwu…'

Ye Qun twisted a nipple and playfully kneaded it in his hand. The meat grain had already been swollen to several times its usual size, and even the nipples that were not normally seen were looming. He pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Qing Qing is too naughty, you're even reluctant to give Master milk to drink!?" As soon as the voice fell, his hand twisted again. It sucked so much strength out of the little beauty riding on his body that he couldn't even shout anymore.

"Wuwu... Qing Qing is a boy, there's no milk~ Big Brother Qun don't play with the nipples anymore..."

Ye Qun didn't listen to his quibble, and pressed his head to look towards his* own chest, "Look! Even the nipples are all out, so why can't you squirt out milk?"

Ye Qing only glanced at it once before crying out of breath in his arms, 'Wuwu… Really bad! I'm obviously a boy, wuwu… Played until the nipples came out, it's really too lewd wuwu…'

Ye Qun was laughing in his heart but refused to let him go, "Hurry up and pour milk out for Master to drink. Otherwise, Master will take the belt and whip these two waste nipples broken instead!"

When Ye Qing heard that he was about to be whipped by the belt, his fuzzy brain was finally awake, and he cried softly, "Nngh~ Don't wanna be beaten by the belt~ Master shoot on Qing Qing's nipples, Qing Qing's nipples are very obedient~" As he talked, his little tongue also pleased by ceaselessly licking Ye Qun's abs.

Ye Qun was hooked by him and couldn't hold it in. He pushed more fiercely in the flower hole, making Ye Qing feel as if all the water in his body was going to his lower half. The tide couldn't stop at all. The little hole also very obediently shrank, serving the man inside.

Ye Qun only felt that he almost quickly drowned by the pleasure. He turned over and pressed Ye Qing under him. When he was about to shoot, he forcibly pulled himself out and faced the nipples that were still tied together by thin wires. He then started another intense fucking. Ye Qing squirmed helplessly under him. His small face flushed, but his mouth was still moaning, "Ah~ So good, so painful! Wuwuwu, Big Brother shoot the semen into Qing Qing's nipples~ Ah~"

Ye Qun moved faster and faster, and finally towards the tiny nipple ejaculated wave after wave. The piping hot semen shot on the sensitive nipple, causing Ye Qing to shudder once again.

Naturally, the semen couldn't really be poured inside the nipple, but starting from the nipple it was spread to a large area, as if the white liquid was really shot out from the nipple.

Ye Qing indeed was a little slut who has been fucked since he was a child*. Even if his mouth moaned in shame, his hand movements were unambiguous. He winked seductively, using his fingers to carefully scrape those semen and send it to his lips to suck. His mouth didn't forget to say, "Hmm~ Big Brother Qun, this is milk shot by Qing Qing," He sent the semen to wipe off on the other nipple and added, "Both nipples sprayed~ Big Brother Qun, Qing Qing don't want the belt~ Qing Qing loves Big Brother a lot..."

Ye Qun saw his lewdness and was unable to look at him directly. The little mouth containing semen kept spitting out love words to gain sympathy with him. His heart only had one thought that's the same as Ye Ling's: 'This little thing is really getting smarter! Can't not teach him!'