Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Amusement Park Trip 1: Being finger r*ped in a roller coaster, legs soften a lot.

Ye Qing stood in the courtyard and looked out. After nearly a week of haze, today's sunlight was actually great. The warm sun shone on his face, making him unable to help but be happy and have the idea of going out for fun. After all, most of the summer vacation has passed, and he himself hasn't gone out much. Every day he played by the several beasts and couldn't leave. 'Rarely is the weather so good. Must go out!'

Hearing Ye Qing's request, Ye Zhixuan, who was really not free, had no choice but to comfort him while tieing a tie, "Of course you can go wherever you want to play, Baby. But Dad has a meeting. Let your brothers go with you, okay?"

Ye Qing was very dissatisfied. He obviously wanted to go out to play as a family, but the result was that Daddy unexpectedly isn't going!

Seeing his slumped mouth and looking like he's about to make trouble, Ye Qun quickly coaxed: "Does Qing Qing not like to play with brothers? This time go with us first. Next time when Dad is free, we'll go out again to continue playing, okay?"

Ye Qing thought it was reasonable, don't want Daddy to feel that he's making trouble unreasonably. Anyway, it's only going out to play, they could just go again next time. So he nodded happily, "Okay, but it's up to you guys to think about where to go! If I am not satisfied, I definitely will never go."

Ye Qun saw that the little thing was so easy to deceive, naturally agreeing to anything. When the final location was determined to be the Amusement Park proposed by Ye Ling. When this suggestion was made, his whole body was exuding a creepy profound aura.

"Hahahaha! I, Ye Qing! Isn't afraid of anything!" After conquering a series of facilities that many people would not dare to touch, such as jumpers, pirate ships, and pendulums, Ye Qing yelled stupidly. The two brothers followed him with a terrible expression.

"Can we go play the roller coaster now?!" Ye Qing already couldn't wait. He has long coveted this newly built super big and super long roller coaster, which ranks among the top in the country. But the eldest brother said he should play other interesting ones first because roller coasters are very stimulating. After finished playing it, he wouldn't have the strength to play any others.

Ye Ling didn't object this time, but instead smiled dangerously: "Qing Qing looking so forward to something is really cute."

Ye Qun also nodded in agreement, only Ye Qing's face looked confused*: 'Is it weird to like to play roller coasters?'

The roller coaster here happened to be seated by three people. The two people didn't hesitate to let Ye Qing sit in the middle, saying in the good name of giving the little thing a sense of security, although Ye Qing said that he was completely fearless.

When the entire roller coaster was full of people, they were only waiting for the coaster to start. Ye Qing became more and more excited. However, he suddenly felt a hand reach in his pants.

"Ah!?" Ye Qing couldn't help but exclaim and look down. It was the Elder brother's hand that reached into his pants.

Ye Qing's face turned red in an instant, and he struggled desperately. 'This is a roller coaster! So many people are on it!' But Ye Qun, who's on his right, cooperated to help the eldest brother press the little thing on the seat. With the restraint of the seat belt, Ye Qing couldn't get rid of the messy hands that already made trouble on his lower body at all.

"Big Brother Ling! Take it out... Qing Qing wants to play the roller coaster!" After thinking about something, his face became even redder, but he leaned next to Ye Ling's ear and continued, "Going back, big brother can do whatever he wants, now… just play the roller coaster~"

Ye Ling smiled and said with his face looking well mannered: "Qing Qing plays the roller coaster, while big brother plays Qing Qing. We don't affect each other."

Ye Qun next to him also nodded in favor, and Ye Qing became even angrier: "Ah!!! I definitely don't want to do it in the amusement park~!"

The middle-aged woman in front heard Ye Qing's yelling. Although she didn't hear clearly what the young man was yelling, she turned her head to comfort him, "Young man, the roller coaster is very safe. No need to be that afraid." From her perspective, it seemed that this young man was really scared, and his friend next to him placed his hand on his body to comfort him.

Ye Qing cried more without tears, he couldn't really make trouble on the roller coaster, 'That beast's hand... is still in this young master's* pants!'

Seeing that Ye Qing didn't dare to make too huge of a movement while resisting, Ye Ling's hand went deeper inwards more and more. His finger gently slipped into Ye Qing's underwear, and then touched the small hole at the back. The entrance was actually a little wet, and he couldn't help chuckling: "Qing Qing, why is it wet?"

Ye Qing glared at him fiercely. His body was already sensitive, then being stimulated by him in this kind of environment, it'll be strange if it wasn't wet! But he didn't know that the way his round eyes stared at Ye Ling, not only was there none of the fierceness he wanted, it instead made people want to see more tears pour out from those eyes.

Sure enough, Ye Ling licked his lips and his big hands rubbed the two flesh. He then followed along to slide down to the crotch, and without hesitation pierced into the moist hole with a finger.

"Hmm..." Ye Qing didn't dare to make a sound, and could only keep his moan inside his mouth.

At this time, the roller coaster was finally ready and launched. Ye Ling's movements became more and more unscrupulous. At this moment, he had already inserted three fingers into Ye Qing's back hole. The slender middle finger viciously pushed Ye Qing's sensitive spot a few times, before pulling his fingers to the entrance. He then harshly submerged everything again.

"Ahhh!!" At this time, the roller coaster came to the first slope. The screams around came one after another, so Ye Qing's spring call* did not appear abrupt at this time.

"Ah~ Big Brother Ling, don't wanna~ Wuwu..."

But Ye Ling looked at him with a small smile, "Qing Qing can scream anything, with so many people accompanying Qing Qing to scream together." His words seemed normal, but how did it sound so lewd? Ye Qing breathed even more unevenly, yet Ye Ling's fingers didn't have any intentions to stop at all. Disregarding Ye Qing's squirming, he still teasingly scratched and thrust in the small hole.

After all, as the eldest brother, Ye Ling didn't ignore Ye Qun who had previously used his strength to help him hold down Ye Qing and greeted: "The front side is still empty. Finger r*ping on the roller coaster, don't want to play?"

"Am I not afraid of the little thing struggling?" Ye Qun smiled and looked at Ye Qing whose whole body had no strength at this time. His hand unceremoniously explored into his pants towards the flower hole.

"Don't~! Wuwu... Big Brother Qun, too many! Don't come in anymore, wuwu..." Ye Qing tried to argue with reason(?)*.

Ye Qun rubbed his hair, but the hand in his pants didn't pause and struck into the flower hole.

"Ah ah ah! No more!" Both of the small holes were fingered by the brothers in public. Even if no one notices, Ye Qing was still more sensitive than usual, and the screams became more unstoppable.

The roller coaster finally reached its apex and dropped sharply. The screams of the people in the coaster could break through eardrums. Ye Qing felt that his heart was about to pop out of his throat.

Ye Ling and Ye Qun speed up almost at the same time. They furiously thrust into the two small holes, even pressing against the sensitive point. Ye Qing couldn't even scream out anymore. He had to lean on the back chair and gasp for breath just so he wouldn't be pleasured till suffocation.

Suddenly Ye Qun pulled out all three fingers and teased against the entrance a few times. His mouth still asked Ye Qing, "Qing Qing, do you like it?" As soon as the voice fell, several fingers slammed harshly into the small hole!

"Ah!!!" Ye Qing shook his head frantically but did not dare to shed tears, so he could only scream loudly under the cover of the roller coaster. His little hole at this time desperately bit tightly, as if to drive the invaders out.

Ye Qun's hands* quickly felt that the little thing was about to shoot, and hurriedly pulled out his fingers to hold the bud in front. Sure enough, Ye Qing screamed a few times, and all the semen was caught by Ye Qun in his hand. Ye Qun let out a sigh of relief, 'Fortunately, it didn't soil his pants.'

Right now, Ye Ling also took his finger out. He took a paper towel and wiped the mucus in the back hole carefully. The roller coaster also started to slow down and was about to reach the end.

Ye Qun raised the semen in front of Ye Qing: "Does Qing Qing want to eat it? Doesn't Little Slut like to eat semen? Do you want to eat your own?"

The response to him was back of Ye Qing's head, who twisted around in a huff. Ye Qun didn't mind and shrugged. He licked it clean himself and wiped clean the remaining liquid with a tissue.

The scene of his second brother licking his own semen was surprisingly erotic. Ye Qing blushed to the point where it's almost burning, so he closed his eyes roughly.

After finally getting out of the coster, Ye Qing's legs turned soft. He had to nest in Ye Qun's arms and be held by him to walk. Ye Qun felt hugging him was easier to walk with him, but the little thing was unwilling and rather die.

Taking him to a bench to rest, Ye Qing still refused to lift his face from Ye Qun's arms. 'Wuwu, I actually climaxed on the roller coaster by big brothers' fingers. If this spreads out, I don't want to be a person anymore!'

After Ye Ling finished doing bad things, he did not forget to ask the victim how he felt: "Was it good? Qing Qing yelled so loudly, did you like it..."

"Wuwu..." Ye Qing was immersed in the shameful yet refreshing pleasure just now. He couldn't recover, only ambiguously moaning.

Seeing him like this, Ye Ling smiled, "It seems that you like it? Next time we'll pack up the entire amusement park, then Qing Qing can play inside without wearing clothes, okay?"

When Ye Qing heard what the eldest brother said, he couldn't help thinking that if he really bought the playground, his body would be completely bare inside and get fucked by them. Even if no one's inside, there have been thousands upon thousands of people who once played inside the amusement park! His face instantly burned out of shape, but underneath he unconsciously contracted a few times, as if lewd water was pouring out again.

Ye Qun, who had been hugging him in his arms to rest, noticed the changes in his body at the first moment and smiled: "It seems that Qing Qing rested enough. Let's continue to play. How about the Ferris wheel?"