chapter 5

A Week Later

' just fucking' that word has been planted in my head since last week and the more I expands the more I feel like o. gonna die. I don't wanna believe it anyway but when I get angry and something pops on my head whether good or bad it remains printed in it for a long time. arggggghhh. I know this is a lie Remi loves me, doesn't he okay maybe this loneliness is having an effect on me . it's been hours since Remi's gone to work like 7 hours ago and I've been and still jobless . I do not feel like watching that damn tv or feel like stuffing my face with food . An idra just popped into my head

I ring up Dave and he comes in almost immediately. I tell him. to take me to Remi . really like Canada is really really beautiful , a little cold but then I love cold things until I start to cough and stuff and eventually have a cold . The car came to an halt infront of a very very huge building

" woah " this is rad. like how many stories are in this beautiful baby. it says 'Grey and sons' on top of it in a very huge lettering. I went inside straight for the receptionist.

" hi good afternoon, how may I help you "

" I want to see Remi "

"okay... do you have an appointment? " she said slowly

" I am his girlfriend ". no you're not! that little voice in my head said of course I know that idiot " I need to see him "

"; uh okay .... I'll just ring him up for you " the look on her face said yay another one yet again

. " excuse me... drop the call first ... um how many girls come here a lot ... you know "

" like six girls just last week you won't beli-- "

. " okay! what floor is he in "

" fiftieth "

" good .. please do not ring him " I slipped her a tip before dashing into the elevator. okay ... so six girls have come-- first I never knew receptionists collect bribe. second Remi needs a new receptionist. third GOD what was I thinking to have come here in the first place. I should have just walked out. Remi owes me I do not in anyway deprive him of sex. no, even though he now comes home with his shirt dry-cleaned almost everyday no everyday . like three or four days ago I found a baby napkin in his pocket. but then we are just best friends with benefits right?? huh. the elevator stopped. I stepped out of it and barge I to the only room there like an idiot. I stopped in my tracks. why is a baby crawling on the floor and a clearly exhausted Remi on the couch sleeping in a corner of the office. more like a sitting room. it has everything a tv, couches, well not everything but just wanted the necessities. he looks like he's been doing now jobs at the same time. GOD how on Earth does he come home all smiley smiley .

I picked up the baby and almost got knocked out by air like I am choking on it. the baby is a direct carbon copy of Remi like .... I don't know what to say is it the same striking blue eyes , or the black silky hair, cute smile and a dimple??. the baby giggled as it clung more on to me when I tried to put her down. she wrapped a hand barely around my neck and placed it's head on my chest as it mumured some incorehent words. GOD this is the most utmost betrayal ever.

" Elle?? " I did not even notice him waking up


" you have a baby?? " I choked out a cry

" Elle ... I... - "

" and you did not dim it fit to tell me ?? GOD we are best friends for crying out loud and you're having sex with me ?? you did not trust me enough?? "

" No. Elle I... I - " he ran a hand through his hair in fustration

" do not talk to me I hate you now!! take your baby back " I gave the girl back to him but she would not budge, she starts to cry she clung on to me harder . " she is the reason you come home from work all satisfied and happy right? . do you even care about me? love me? trust me? oh no I forgot you do not! and don't you dare lay a hand on me or the baby!! "

I cleaned my tear stained face as I walked out into the elevator . press it open and close

" bye " the receptionist greeted as I walked out.

I got off into the car and before I know it we are at the house. GOD my shirt is as wet as... I've never ever in my life taken care of a baby before like how old is she LORD help me. " you hungry?? huh? milk.. yeah ". I grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge, a cup and a spoon all in one hand. GOD parents are coping.

Just immediately, as soon as the baby fall asleep on my chest Remi came in bag in hand, hair disheveled, tie untied. he looked relieved. " you thought I was going to throw the baby off a cliff?? "

" no, nothing like that. I'm just happy she loves you she does not like people at all "

I look away when we make eye contact

" what's her name? "

" Elizabeth, Lizzy for short "

that's my third name. no! who knows if that's her mother's name too " what'd she eat to sleep ".

" my breast " I lied

" oh, okay "

he doesn't even look bothered at all he just dropped his bag and took off her s jacket. I make my way to the room gently, lay her there, stay for a while before prying her fingers off of me and walking out. geez I'm as famished as shit who knew taking care of a baby was as exhausting as that. there's food on the table untouched, delivered just now 😋😋😋😍 I grab my portion, large and ate

" hmm " I groaned silently. " ugh why does this food have to be so delicious "

" Elle .... we need to talk ". he grabbed a seat in front of me when I didn't respond " I'm sorry "

" don't talk to me I hate you now "

" you don't hate me you're just angry--- "

" angry?? angry about the part that you did not trust me enough or atall to let me know that one of your baby Mama's pregnant? that you have a child outside?. angry about the part that you have sex with me and doubt me when I give myself to you or angry about the part that you lied to me that I am the first woman you ever had sex with without a condom? --- Remi my whole life I have obeyed you. when you chase guys off me, that I did not get a boyfriend when my friends were having theirs, when they had their first man. but I realize now that you were just keeping me for yourself. Remi I never fucking complained when I see you with those hoes in your bed or around you . yet Remi you see the whole of me inside out I never kept anything from you. but you--- " I stop yelling when Lizzy started to cry. I make my way to the sitting room to let him deal with her himself. I am not laying a hand on that thing again.

5 min later

I can't ignore the cries anymore. I stand up and made my way to the room

" Elle .... I think she needs you ". he sounded desperate. Lizzy stop when she sees me. she quiet down entirely when I carried her and doze off immediately I put her on my chest. okay.... I walked out into the room just opposite the one we sleep in together I laid gently on my back with the baby on my chest maybe I could use some sleep too


Lizzy giggled as Remi throw her up in the air repeatedly, dressed in his work clothes so handsome... he literally get away with anything. my eyes feel better well a little. I had cried myself to sleep last night. it's so painful, he knows every damn thing about me. I thought I knew all about him except that he has a freaking real baby and he lied to me. I was so happy when he told me I was the first girl he had ever had sex with without a condom. sex! I wish we made love cause I love him very much but he doesn't. just looks out for me like a five year old. I am . it's just that I cannot control my need and want around him. last night had been the only night we did not have sex because we were fighting. the thought still bring tears to my eyes I can't just help it damn him and his handsomeness, his fing big cock, the fucking effect it has on me