Keep her promise

Another hour after her talk with Noah, Laila had boarded her flight. She had booked a first class seat as that was were the flight had one of the last few empty seats. So, she had a comfortable seat, she could turn her seat into a bed if need be, AND most importantly, she had a single seat. This meant no annoying neighbour to disturb her or make her seat uncomfortable. In fact, she practically had her own room on the plane. Plus, another benefit of first class was that there were usually no children. No one would pay that kind of money to seat a child on such a large seat.

So, from the moment she had taken her seat, Laila did what she needed to do to get ready to keep her promise to Noah. She set an alarm just in case she would sleep through the landing and sent Noah a message to let him know she had boarded the plane, before she put in her earphones and turned on her playlist. As soon as the first notes entered her ears, Laila closed her eyes in hopes of falling asleep or at least allowing her eyes to rest a bit.

However, it wasn't until after the plane was up in the sky, that she was really able to fall asleep. It only took Laila three songs before her fatigue from early that morning took over and she entered dreamland. The rest of the flight she was soundlessly asleep and nothing and no one could wake her. So, when the flight attendant came to offer her lunch, Laila was too far gone to give her a response. She didn't wake up until the entire two hour flight had passed. Not even the initiation of the landing managed to fully wake her up.

Though she heard the voice over the intercom, to her it was like it was coming from a distance. The words were incorporated into her dream and she drifted back off. It wasn't until her alarm rang, ten minutes before the estimated arrival time, that she was forced to open her eyes. Still feeling a bit groggy, Laila slowly opened her eyes and used the small gaps, from her half-opened eyes, to navigate her hand to the plane windows and she opened the blinds. With the light of the sun flooding in from the small circular window, Laila was finally able to wake up from her much enjoyed nap. She blinked a few times to let her surroundings sink in, before she sat back up and straightened the seat until it was a chair again.

From the window she watched as the plane's tires touched the ground and they started rolling over the landing strip. Thinking it was safe now, she grabbed her phone and turned off the airplane mode in order to let Noah know she had arrived safely. As promised, she wouldn't think about whether or not he was busy or in a meeting and just pressed the videocall button. It only rang twice before she was face to face with Noah's smiling and handsome face.

"Hello there beautiful. Glad to see you landed safely and that you haven't forgotten about me yet. I can see that you were able to sleep on the plane as your complexion is looking a lot better than this morning."

Laila chuckled and replied, "I know pregnancy brain is a thing but I don't have dementia you know. I wouldn't forget my husband after a two hour flight. But yes, I did manage to sleep. These reclining chairs are surprisingly comfortable." Jokingly she added, "I should ask where they got them made and get one for back at home." But despite it clearly being a joke on Laila's part, Noah replied quite seriously as he said, "I will have my assistant look into it and get one here for you before you get back."

"Don't be silly." Laila responded with a chuckle. "I was just kidding you crazy man." Noah simply shrugged his shoulders and said with a straight face, "Alright, if you say so. If you change your mind, just let me know." Suddenly Laila heard a voice in the background say, "He isn't your regular crazy Laila. Just crazy for you." This was when Laila realized they weren't alone.

The voice was one she had heard before. It was the voice that belonged to one of the few men at Noah's company that wasn't afraid of talking back to him or teasing him. It was also the voice of the man managed to make the sweet tempered Noah change his expression instantly into one of pure irritation and annoyance. This occasion wasn't any different. As soon as that comment was made by the voice without a face, Noah's expression turned cold and with a deathly glare he looked to his side before saying in an annoyed voice, "So what? I like to spoil my wife and do whatever I can to keep her happy. I am not ashamed of that. So, why don't you zip it and stop talking to her in such a familiar tone before I find something to keep you so busy that you won't have the time to open that mouth again for a long time."

Laila heard a chuckle and then the man replied, "Alright, alright. I'll shut up. So, hurry up so we can finish this meeting." This was when Laila interrupted their conversation and said, "Oh my gosh Noah, why didn't you tell me you were busy. I am so sorry everyone. I will hang up right away and let you all continue."

"Again with the unnecessary comments." Noah said to the man as he shot him another deathly glare. After that he turned his attention back to Laila before saying, "Don't worry honey, it is just him here and he is nobody important. Your call is much more important to me than whatever this annoying guy has to say." But despite this comment from Noah, Laila insisted on ending their call. "It's okay Noah. I have to get off the plane any minute now anyways. So, I'll say goodbye and you can call me whenever you are free." With that, Laila ended their call, put on her sunglasses and got her bags ready to leave the plane.