Sudden reunion

With a stern expression Laila said, "The difference is that I would rather eat with my friend or alone, than eat with you. My husband is far from insecure, it is I who is not interested and certainly isn't willing to potentially upset him for the sake of a meal with you. Even if that weren't the case, the state of my marriage has nothing to do with you, nor the boundaries that I have set for myself or we as a couple. Besides, what do two exes, of whom at least one is married, have to talk about? I would think nothing that would be considered important or do any of them any good."

But despite having been told off like this, it appeared that her words had landed on deaf ears as Jake wasn't backing down. "Oh, come on. No need to be like that. I just want to have a meal with you and chat a little. I haven't seen you in so long and I always had a weak spot for you. Can you blame me for wanting to catch up now that I have run into you like this. Us meeting after ten years at an airport is clearly a sign from the universe. I for one believe that there is a reason for us meeting here so suddenly. I can't just walk away like this. Not until you agree to meet up with me during your stay here."

Laila rolled her eyes and scoffed. She felt herself getting more and more annoyed. "Fine. Let's say we meet up. How do you think that would play out? What? Are we going to reminisce about the good times? Because they are greatly outnumbered by bad times. Are you going to declare your love to me once more? We have travelled that road plenty of times and it always had the same outcome. So, what would make you think I would be interested in that now that I am happily married and about to become a mom? Or are you looking for a chance to boast about your life during the years we were apart and to tell me about what an impressive man you have become? Well, I am not interested in hearing it. I hope you are doing well and I hope you are happy but I think we should let the past be the past and focus on moving forward."

Seeing as he wasn't going to get Laila to agree to meet up with him during this conversation and that it was in fact backfiring on him, Jake decided to retreat and wait for another opportunity. "Well, I can tell you are tired and upset. So, I will ignore your harsh words and let you be for now. But, don't think I have given up. I am sure we will run into each other again during your stay here. In fact, I will make it sure. You know I will." With that Jake gave her a wink and walked off. Not giving her any chance to respond.

Laila let out a deep sigh and felt exhausted from the conversation she just had. She couldn't believe that Jake was still so manipulative and stubborn. She had thought that in this alternate life, he would have changed as well and she had hoped that it would have been for the better. But it appeared that this wasn't the case. But she had already wasted enough time on him in this life and her previous life, so she refused to waste anymore now. She grabbed her suitcase-handle once more and finally walked towards the taxi stand.


As she was walking through the airport, Laila's mind was filled with what had just happened. Despite telling herself she didn't want to waste anymore time on him, she couldn't help but think about it all. It was too big of a thing to completely ignore. Just a week ago she had still been married to him and it was impossible to not be affected at all from seeing him again. Though meeting him again wasn't exactly something that had made her happy in any way, it had felt really strange to see Jake again in this life. She had been caught off guard and she wasn't sure if she had completely processed what had happened between them in her previous life. Especially not how it had ended.

The switch to this timeline had happened so suddenly and now she was faced with him out of the blue while she already had plenty to think about. Laila didn't think she would be able to completely avoid him in this life but she had kind of hoped she would. Or at least for a longer period of time than a few days. This sudden reunion was the last thing she expected and the last thing she wanted. But despite the suddenness and despite their past, Laila felt like she had handled it well. Though his last words did worry her as she thought of what tricks he might use. The past had taught her that he was willing to go pretty far to get what he wants and somehow, despite everything she had told him, he still wanted her. Even in this life.