The path of Mercy

The air was tense as they all waited for Noah to reveal how Jake could salvage the situation he had put himself in. But although all eyes should have been on Noah, Laila's eyes were on the blond stranger who was revealed to be a known friend. She could feel that Noah was speaking from the vibrations she felt from his body but she couldn't hear a single words as she was staring at the amn in front of her. The moment she heard his tone of voice, the words he used and took another glance at what he was wearing, she had a pretty good idea who the man was. She was certain this was the man she had heard on the phone, the man who dared to tease her husband and his long-time colleague. Today she was finally able to meet the man who went by the name Steve.

After staring at the man for a while, she looked up at Noah again for a brief moment before turning her eyes back at the scene in front of her. Finally the sounds from the outside world were able to register in her mind and she could hear Noah's words. She had returned her focus just in time to hear Noah say, "So, it is up to you. Either you resign willingly and sign a contract where you will state to not take up any other position in your father's company for the next fifteen years, retaining the opportunity to go back there at a point in time, or you stay and watch it crumble before your very eyes, losing it forever. So in short, you can choose the path of mercy, where you allow your father a chance to retire comfortably in a few years and maintaining his legacy, as I have no beef with him, or you can choose to stay. But that arrogance and stubbornness means that you will both be going down with the metaphorical ship as it sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor."

Jake continued to look at Noah with pure anger and clenched teeth as he stated his options. Though Noah had given Jake an option, one where he could save his father's company, to him it seemed like he was forced to choose between two sides of the same blade. Either way it seemed like he wouldn't be getting away without any damage, the only thing he could decide was the number of casualties that would suffer the damage along with him. He was still contemplating what to do, whether he could take on Noah or if he should admit defeat, when his phone started ringing for a second time. Though he couldn't reach his phone and couldn't see what was on the display, he already knew who it was and what they would say, that another company had started to back out. After letting out a sigh, he unwillingly said through gritted teeth, "Fine."

Though his words had been barely audible, it seemed that Noah had heard it. But this one word wouldn't be enough to satisfy him. In a tone that revealed he knew perfectly well what Jake had meant, Noah said, "What do you mean 'fine'? What is fine? You were so talkative before, so use your words now too."

Holding back the anger that was boiling up in him and making him feel like he was about to literally explode, Jake closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Fine, I will resign. Just send the papers and I will sign them." Though Noah wanted to respond in a taunting voice and say 'Now, was that so hard?' but instead he said, "Very well. Steve you can let go of him now. I am sure he knows not to do anything stupid."

The reason for this was because he didn't want to stoop to Jake's level. He had gotten what he wanted and there was no need to worsen the situation by being petty. He had done something Jake would never have done. By giving Jake a way out to reduce the amount of damage for the company, he had shown he was the bigger person. Since Jake had agreed, no one that wasn't involved in their mess would get hurt and Jake alone would face the punishment for his actions. So, since there was nothing to be gained, he decided that he should remain the bigger person till the very end. At least as long as Jake kept his word. If not, then he would be signing over his shares and rights to the company, including the shares he would inherit from his father's will. This would essentially mean that he would be giving away his father's company and the majority of his inheritance to him. Thus making it a win-win for Noah.

Steve did as he was told and released his grip on Jake before getting off of him. Immediately Jake got up from the ground and after shooting a final angry glare at both Noah and Steve, he forced his way through the crowd that made no attempt to make way for him.