Do or Die

Steve and Noah were still in the dining room, waiting for Laila and Maria to return. In a nonchalant tone Noah asked, "How are things going between you two? Do you feel like you have made some progress?" Steve was beaming as he said, "She hasn't admitted anything yet but I can feel us getting closer by the minute. I can't put my finger on it but it feels like all of a sudden she stopped resisting me and running away every chance she gets." With a chuckle he added, "Though I cannot prove it, I have a feeling that this is the result of the help my personal cupid is providing me with and I am certain that this angel of love of mine is none other than that lovely wife of yours. She has always been my biggest supporter and now that she sees a chance for me to have what you guys have, she is doing her best to help me obtain it."

Noah let out an exhaled laughter before he patted his friend's shoulder. "As long as you get together in the end and you treat her well, I am sure she will feel it is all worth it. We support you guys and you two being happy will add to our happiness as well." Steve was feeling warm from the kind words Noah was saying, words he wasn't expecting. In a questioning voice and a face shat showed his disbelief, he repeated Noah's words. "'WE' support you guys?"

Noah let out a chuckle and said, "Of course. I might tease you sometimes but that doesn't mean I don't consider you my friend or want you to be happy. Maria is a good girl and she deserves a good guy, although I probably won't ever admit that to her face. I don't think I would be able to handle her smug face afterwards." In a more threatening tone and a chilling smile on his face, while placing his hand on his shoulder and grasping it tightly, he added, "But... I hope you do realize that even if you are my friend, if you hurt her, I will hurt you. For every tear I see on her face and for every minute my wife is upset over something you do to her friend, I will break a bone in your body."

Steve let out an awkward laugh before saying with steadfast eyes, "I know you haven't always seen my best side with women but as I said before, I have never done anything with a woman without her knowing my intentions and I have always been serious with the girl's I have actually dated. I have not once cheated on my partner nor have I hurt them intentionally. The main reason for my relationships not working out so far, is because they wanted me to give them things I wasn't ready to give them at that point in my life. But things are different now. Our company is running smoothly, we are working normal hours and I am at a point in my life where I want to settle down with the right girl and start a family of my own."

With a soft look on his face and eyes that clearly showed how he felt about Maria, Steve added, "I feel like Maria is that girl. She is strong, independent and tells it like it is. Even now when she is being all awkward, she still doesn't shy away from telling me her opinion. I need that. I have never felt this way about a girl before and I am not sure if I will ever feel again. This feels like my do or die moment and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy and want to be with me. In fact, if she was willing to marry me right now, I think I would find an open courthouse and get married on the spot."

Noah was looking at Steve's eyes the entire time he was talking and when he was finished he said, "Good. If you still feel this strongly about her and your position regarding a relationship with Maria hasn't changed, then I won't bring it up again. But I will remember these words you told me today and you had better remember mine. For I will keep you to it and you can rest assured that I will deliver on mine."

While Steve had decided he didn't want to spend another second without Maria, Maria was on the other side of the wall telling Laila that she wanted her to help getting out of spending whatever had remained of the evening with him.

While still looking a bit hesitant, Maria told Laila about the worries on her mind. "I have only today acknowledged to myself that I like him more than I have been able to admit so far. I can't have him pulling a confession out of me. That would only make me run away. You know what I went through with my ex. I have my guards up way too high right now. One wrong move and I will close the door on him forever and I don't want that. I think there is real potential here but that potential will come to naught if too much happens too soon. I want to take my time getting to know him. During these weeks that I am here I want to explore our connection without feeling pressure or the need to rush things. So, I think that for tonight it might be better if I leave things as they are right now and not tempt fate."