All professionalism

Maria quickly brushed Steve's question off by saying, "Yeah, we were talking about Laila and Noah's dinner at Olivia's house. Wondering what she would be serving them. Apparently Noah has told her that Olivia herself will be cooking for them but he wouldn't say what she would be making. So, we tried guessing ourselves."

Since Steve had only caught a glimpse of their conversation, he had no reason to doubt this explanation. So, he believed her almost immediately and they continued the conversation in a different direction. Steve brought them up to speed on what he had done so far and what he had discussed with Noah. He talked with Laila on what signal to use as they needed one that was easy to notice but not obvious to other people watching.

Once all the 'official' matters had been taken care of, they chatted some more in there until it was time for Laila to leave. She got up and let out a sigh before saying, "Well wish me good luck. I am heading over to Olivia's now. I can't be late, otherwise I won't hear the end of it."

Maria and Steve walked her to the door as they tried to encourage her and cheer her up a bit. "You don't need luck but I'll wish you good luck anyways just for moral support. I know you have got this. All you need to do is believe in what I know for a fact. You will have Noah by your side soon enough until then it is just seeing if there is a good opportunity. If there isn't, just focus on enjoying yourself as much as possible and don't worry unnecessarily about things. Just remember, that we are watching you every step of the way and will come to the rescue in any way we can if things seem to be getting out of hand. Plus, from what I remember, when she isn't being a conniving b**ch, she is quite alright to hang out with. If I can handle her for days, you can handle her for a few hours."

With these words Laila had been given a little boost of confidence that she would be indeed fine. She showed an appreciating smile before saying the actual words to match them. After saying her thanks, Laila walked out the door and headed towards the lion's den. Ready to find out if she would come out a victim or a victor, while leaving the two love birds with the house to themselves. This meant that while she was off to face a challenge of hers, Maria would be facing one of her own.

The day before Laila had told the staff that she wanted them to be practically invisible at the house today, to make sure that Steve and Maria would have a feeling of being all alone even if there were others there. She had told them that she didn't mind if some chores were skipped, as long as they did their best to not been seen or heard while Steve and Maria were at the house today. This morning she reminded them again of this request through Giselle when Maria and Steve were still talking in the living room. So, now the rest of today's success depended on the two of them. At least she had done all that she could to give them the time and opportunity.


After a short walk Laila found herself standing in front of Olivia's house. After taking another deep breath, she nervously pressed the doorbell. A few moments later the door was opened by a tall strict looking man, who was the house butler. As expected of Olivia's staff, he was all professionalism and no kindness. He welcomed her like a 'good' butler should and lead her to the room where Olivia was waiting for her. After the greeting from the butler, even Olivia's presence seemed like a welcome one as it at least contained a smile.

"Oh my dearest friend, welcome, welcome. Hurry sit down." In an equally cold tone Olivia turned to the butler and said, "Jefferson have someone bring us some tea and snacks." to which the butler bowed slightly before he turned around and left the room. No sooner had he bowed or did Olivia return her focus to Laila and talked with her as if they hadn't seen each other in years. "Oh sweet Laila, how happy I am to see you here. How hard it must be for you to not feel at ease at your own home. I can't believe that wretched woman insist on staying for multiple days. Does she have no shame? Or is it that she can't afford her food so she figured that she could use this chance to mooch off you a little."

Laila took the insults of her actual best friend with a smile and let them slide off of her as she was here to pretend to be Olivia's friend, not to argue with her. At the moment she was supposed to dislike Maria just as much so she would have to keep the act up. At the very least until their job here had been completed.