Finally the tour was finished and Noah decided it was time for him to get even with Olivia for the behaviour she was showing towards Laila. He had prepared for this from the moment she had come to visit him at the office and now the time had come for Olivia to put her money where her mouth is. After all the acts they had been forced to put up in front of Olivia it was now time for him and Laila to watch a show performed by her. See her sweat a little.
"Well Olivia, thank you for that wonderful tour of your even more wonderful house. You have done a wonderful job with the decorations and the interior design of it all. Your parents must be proud of you for having such a skill."
Olivia was blushing. Not knowing that she was being set up by Noah and said, "Oh well it is nothing. I don't dare to call it a skill in front of someone like you who has more skills than one can count."
Noah smiled at Olivia's praises, something which she took as his approval for both her words as well as her fake modesty but his smile was a lot more sinister than Olivia realized at that moment. His smile was followed up with Noah rejecting her efforts to talk down her ability to decorate houses. With an even bigger smile he said, "Oh don't say that. It is a true talent you have here." Though she took this as another compliment, the reason Noah wouldn't let her dismiss this so easily was because it was his step up to another 'skill' he wanted to witness with his own eyes. "Talking about talents, I believe you have another one that I was supposed to witness today."
Immediately Olivia's expression changed from happy and smug to deeply nervous. "Oh, there is no need for that now is there? We can plan a different day for that. Today was supposed to be about Laila and giving her a break from the woman you have brought to your house. I am sure Laila doesn't find that a very fun way to spend her time. Watching you and me in the kitchen."
But neither Noah nor Laila planned on letting her escape. Though Noah hadn't told Laila about the promise had forced out of Olivia after her visit to his office, she knew Noah well enough to know that he was up to something. So, with true curiosity she took a step forward and asked, "What are you two talking about over here? What is this about you two being in a kitchen together?"
Before Olivia had a chance to dismiss things and turn it into nothing, Noah responded by saying, "Well, you never told me what a great cook Olivia is. She came to visit me the other day and she had all kinds of food with her. It al tasted so great and they were all of my favourites. When I asked her about it, she told me that she had made it all herself. Can you believe it? So, I asked her to show me how she made it and she promised me to demonstrate it today. But, since she is also a great friend, she is worried that you might not enjoy it as much as I would and of course she wants to prioritize you on this day."
Laila now knowing what Noah was up to and knowing for a fact that Olivia doesn't know how to cook to save her life, happily helped Noah to get Olivia in a kitchen to show the skill she does not possess. After a day like today, she deserved some entertainment. Why not accept a show that had been already prepared for her by Noah?
"Oh no, why would I not enjoy having my dearest friend prepare food for me? I am sure you will put more love into the meal than someone being paid to cook will do. Plus, I would love to see you cook as well. I am useless in the kitchen. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you and then perhaps one day Noah will be able to eat a meal prepared by me. So far he has had to make do with meals prepared by our chefs or bought at a restaurant."
Though this wasn't the truth, Laila had gotten a pretty good idea of the her she had presented to Olivia till now. So, she was fairly certain that in the time she had known Olivia, she had not prepared anything for Noah herself in her presence. It was also unlikely that she would have told Olivia about it if she had, since the her from the past loved to create a certain image of herself in front of people that had been born rich. Not wanting to seem out of place, she would probably go beyond what was necessary. An image that was proving quite useful now.
With Laila's backing Noah gave Olivia one more push to make her give in. "Exactly. Do it for the both of us as our good friend. Now that the tour has been finished, it is the perfect time to get started with dinner. I'm beginning to feel my stomach growl and I would like dinner to be ready before I feel famished. Besides, you made me a promise and I would hate to think that you are someone who breaks promises so easily. You aren't a person like that, right? You'll keep your word, right?"