Raging like a mad man

While Maria and Laila were carrying out their part of the grand plan to take down Harold, Olivia and Jake, they were also beginning to see a different side to Jake. A side that made them feel like he wasn't so bad and in Laila's case, was even making her feel a bit bad for tricking him like this. But despite that, they both did what they had to do, while Noah and Steve were doing the same over at the office.

By now thirty minutes of the hour that Harold had given Noah had passed and even more trouble had been thrown Harold's way. From the system, Noah and Steve's team could see that a great many computers had triggered the software they had encoded on the computers from a distance and it appeared that they had finally produced the desired results.

It was therefore no surprise that Harold was back on the phone, demanding to speak to Noah. By now Infinity Enterprises was open and everyone was at the office, meaning that his call had been answered by the front desk. They did not know how to deal with the screaming, shouting and above all threats spouting man. So, they had asked Max if he could handle the call.

Max was of course aware of the whole situation, despite not having been one of the people to stay behind last night. He had been tasked with dealing with whatever calls and important messages would come throughout the day after Noah had gone home to rest. And to of course reschedule everything that was scheduled for him that day.

So, when Max received that request from the ladies at the front desk, he immediately agreed to take over and forwarded the call to Noah's office before calling him over. Where he had taken the first call in the middle of the office floor, with all the people having arrived and being hard at work, it didn't seem like the right thing to do as it would only distract them from their jobs. Despite how important Harold and this mission were, there was more that the company needed to deal with in a day aside from personal vendettas against the boss.

When Noah took the call, Harold immediately got back to screaming and shouting. "How dare you do this!? You think you are smart, hmm? You think you are brave? Just when I thought you couldn't become a bigger coward than I already thought you were, you come and surprise me. Attacking me in the middle of the night?? After you just had my nephew arrested. That seems low even for the likes of you. But you didn't just go after me. You had to go after all of my business partners too, pointing the finger at me as the culprit?? How dare you! You had better get your team to get rid of that little virus or shield or whatever it is that is blocking all our computers or I'll sue you for all the damages!"

After saying this he hung, not waiting for Noah to answer. Noah simply chuckled and was happy that their plan was having the desired results. Everything was coming together perfectly and he was sure that it wouldn't be long before Harold would see the news segment or hear about the cops raiding his company and be calling him again for another tirade.

And sure enough, with forty-five minutes having passed since his first phone call, and only fifteen after the second, Harold was back on the phone, raging like a mad man. Noah was surprised that Harold hadn't come to the office in person to chop his head off himself. But he probably had too much to deal with to have time for that. Without waiting for a hello or introducing himself, Harold shouted, "You ratted me out to the cops AND you contacted the news??!? I'll pay you back for this. Mark my words you cocky little brat. You got too big for your shoes but I'll be sure to show you what your place is. It appears that I have been far too kind to you but no more Mr. Nice Guy. You want to play dirty, I'll give you dirty. The gloves are officially off."

Noah and Steve had provoked Harold in every single way and attacked him on all fronts, hurting everything he cared about. His money and his family. Though this was certainly a success as this was the result they were going for, it wouldn't come without consequences. It was that thought that worried him still and the fact that Harold was such a loose canon, making him not know what to expect.

Seeing as all the parts of their plan had come together and there was not much more they could do here at the office, it was time to wrap things up for the day. He instructed the programmers to hand their work off to their colleague programmers and go home for the day. After that he went and got Steve so that they too could head home.

On their way to the parking garage Steve was excited. He grabbed Noah by the shoulders and squeezed them as he said, "We did it! We outsmarted Harold Richardson. Not once but twice! Oh what I would have given to see that cocky, arrogant face of his crumble as he discovered that he had been tricked and backed into a corner he can't escape from. This just seems too good to be true."

Noah chuckled and he was feeling pretty good himself. Feeling like he couldn't wait to share the good news with Laila who was probably wrapping up her meeting with Jake after getting whatever was on his phone. At least or so he hoped as he could not stand the thought of having to watch a scene with the two of them together. He had seen enough of that during his high school days and he did not care to see more. Especially not after that whole spectacle a few weeks ago. But in his mind, soon Jake too would just be a distant memory of the past.