His mistake

Anthony and Rebecca were still on the couch watching a movie as a finish to their first date together. As the movie had progressed, Rebecca had gotten closer and closer to Anthony. It may have been an subconscious action, but Rebecca herself had closed the gap between their bodies and had snuggled up into Anthony's arms. This action of hers had surprised Anthony, but he was wise enough not to say anything and just enjoyed the moment, like the walking paradox that he was. Being clueless in one moment and extremely perceptive in the other.

When the movie finished Rebecca realized what she had done without realizing and felt a bit embarrassed as she sat back up straight. She coughed a bit awkwardly before she said, "I guess I should be heading home now. I still have to let my brother know about us getting engaged and then we have to tell your parents. After that we can inform everyone else." Anthony agreed with a soft "Yeah" as he reluctantly prepared for Rebecca to leave. Despite spending all day with her, he still felt that it wasn't enough. He felt like ending such a turbulent and eventful day with them just saying goodbye at the end of the evening, just did not fit the importance of the occasion. That it would be incomplete if Rebecca just left now. That is why although his mouth was playing along with what was going on, his mind seemed to be focussed on something else.

Rebecca didn't notice his absentmindedness, especially because of his well-timed reactions to her words, so she continued to talk as she got up and grabbed her things. "Good thing we have a day off tomorrow so we can take a trip over to your hometown. I don't think they should hear this over the phone. Especially considering that they haven't met me at all. That reminds me, are you sure they will be okay with this? Do you think they will accept me as your future wife?" Then she began mumbling a bit to herself. Saying things like, "Future wife… It still sounds so weird when I say it. Guess I have to get used to that sooner rather than later." But with Rebecca being lost in her own dilemma's, she didn't really notice the shortness and simplicity of Anthony's answers to her words, which had consisted of nothing more than "Mm-hm" and "Yes".

With each of them half in their own minds, the process of saying goodbye and Rebecca leaving continued. She grabbed her cleaned oven dish and Anthony helped her with her coat. She opened the door and stood in the hallway, now saying the actual words, "Well, I am off now. I will see you tomorrow. I'll text you when I wake up and then we can decide what time to leave to your parents." Rebecca waved and got ready to turn away when Anthony stopped her.

Anthony grabbed Rebecca's wrist and yelled out "Wait!" as he got her to turn back around. Rebecca looked at him with a confused stare and that is when Anthony said with a certain twinkling in his eyes, "I'm sorry. I know I said we would take it slow and go at your pace, and if I am moving too fast by doing this you can just push me away or hit me. I'll accept whatever punishment, but I just have to do this. I just can't let you leave like this." As he placed a hand on the side of her face and approached her lips, he let out the remaining words of this final sentence with an emphasizing pause between each word. "Without. Having. Shared. Just. One. kiss." The moment that last word left his mouth, their lips touched and the kiss was initiated. At first Rebecca was fully shocked by what was happening, but soon enough Anthony's surprisingly soft lips managed to pull her in and she covered his hand with her own as she kissed him back.

After a sweet short moment Anthony pulled away, his eyes still twinkling and showing just how in love he was with Rebecca, while Rebecca seemed to be doing the same although her look was accompanied with a blush on her face. Anthony's actions had certainly caught her by surprise, but Rebecca was also certain that she was happy he had taken the risk and kissed her. It had made her feel shy, awkward, uncomfortable, but, at the same time, she was feeling so loved and it had made it feel more real. Sharing their first kiss on this day had confirmed to her that from now on, they were really a couple, and not just friends with a crush.

With a love filled look in her eyes Rebecca waved at Anthony for a second time as she said the words, "Good night". Anthony did the same as Rebecca turned around and walked away. He continued to stare at her back as she walked down the hall and didn't stop until she was well out of sight. All the while being in a dream-like state of bliss. It wasn't until Rebecca was long gone and he turned back inside that he suddenly realized his mistake.