Something stupid

Rebecca was still recharging in Anthony's arms. Holding on tightly, him doing the same. She could hear his snickering as his head was resting on the top of her head. Imagining his big smile and how happy this was making him, was adding to the pleasure she was getting from their hug. When she felt all warmed up and her mind was more at ease, Rebecca patted Anthony to signal the end of their hug and reluctantly let go. He looked at her and said, "What is wrong?". Not wanting the hug to end either now that he had finally gotten one. Especially a hug initiated by Rebecca herself.

But Rebecca wouldn't let his puppy dog eyes tempt her. She said, "We should head back already. We have been gone for quite long. I don't want to make your friends feel any more bad than they must already be feeling or start to worry about us." Anthony pulled her back into his arms and said in a clingy voice, "Ugh, why do we have to go back so soon. I want to stay here for a bit longer. You are so warm and soft. How can you be so cold one moment, and feel so warm in the next. You are like a reactor or radiator or something. Cold to the touch, but once you get fired up, you start radiating heat. And you smell so good. Usually you are so far away that I don't notice. It is subtle but it reminds me of warm spring day."

Rebecca chuckled. This was yet another side of Anthony she had not seen yet. She found it quite cute that a grown man his size, could behave like this at times. But no matter how sweet and endearing she found him and his words, she was unrelenting and replied, "No amount of flattery will get me to change my mind. You have plenty of time to hug me later, but there isn't much time for them to get to know me as we leave in two days."

While he was still holding her tightly he said in dejected voice, "Why did I think of this stupid plan? Who cares about meeting my friends. I should have just kept you for myself during these extra days off work we have been gifted." Then Anthony let out a deep sigh before he gave in to Rebecca. Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle and playfully slapped his arm as she did. She never thought he would have such a dramatic reaction to something so small, but she did like it. It made her feel special. It made her feel loved. That a simple hug from her could mean so much to him. It was almost making her be grateful to Veronica. Without her this probably wouldn't have happened yet.

As they walked back, holding hands, and Anthony grumbling with each step, Rebecca thought about how they had ended up at this point. Regardless of how the day had gone, Veronica's actions had brought her closer to Anthony, which was the goal of today to begin with and most likely the opposite of what Veronica had been trying to achieve. They had shared their first real hug and she had enjoyed it very much. It had been so warm, so comforting, that it could probably wash away any hurt. The fact that Anthony seemed equally, if not more, pleased by it all, was an added bonus.

When they came back to the table, Veronica seemed to have left. Both Anthony and Rebecca seemed surprised by this fact, but only Rebecca seemed to mind and she asked the others about it. "Where did Veronica go? I hope she didn't leave because of me. That was the last thing I wanted. I was just a bit overwhelmed and needed some time to calm down. Sorry if I made any of you worry or feel upset." Immediately Larry raised his arms and waved them in front of him as if to reject that thought. "No, no, not at all. We should be the ones apologizing to you. It is difficult enough to be thrown in with a group of stranger who all know each other, without someone so clearly rejecting you. Veronica did leave, but that is most likely because she doesn't want to face Anthony. He finally stood up for you and apparently Veronica did not like that."

One of the calmer friends of the group now chimed in and added, "She did say that she would send you a message though.", while he looked at Anthony. He didn't seem too interested in what Veronica would have to say and nonchalantly replied, "Is that so. Well, it is a good thing she went home. If she doesn't know how to behave, it is best if she isn't here."

His friends and Rebecca were equally surprised to see the cold way in which Anthony was able to talk about Veronica, and how easily he was able to dismiss her leaving because of the words he had said earlier. Rebecca looked at his, and kept staring at the side of his face until it managed to catch Anthony's attention. He then looked down at her with a slightly confused look on his face before he asked, "What's wrong?".

She then pulled him aside, after she excused the both of them for another moment to his friends, and she said, "I am glad you stood up for me and that if it comes down to it, that you will choose me over her, but I think you should at the very least hear her out and explain things properly. We both know this isn't you and acting this out of character will hurt you in the end. I am certain you are already feeling some guilt from speaking to her as harshly as I think you did, or that you will feel that way tomorrow when you have calmed down enough to see things from her side. She has liked you and was suddenly introduced to a fiancé without ever getting the opportunity to tell you how she feels. Even if the way she went about things was wrong, it wouldn't be the first time that love has made someone do something stupid."