Something borrowed, something blue...

After hearing Noah's encouraging words, Laila chuckled. He always had a way to brighten her mood and make her see things in a different light. After Laila laughed, Noah placed a hand on her shoulder as he looked her in the eyes. With their eyes locked, Noah added that final scoop of encouragement. These final words were filled with a level of confidence that only a person who has already made it, possesses. With unwavering eyes and a strong smile he said, "You got this. But even if she says no, I know you have all that you need to make your company a success even without her."

Laila covered Noah's hand with her own as she answered Noah's smile with one of her own, and a firm nod along with an affirmative 'Uhn!'. With those words Noah left for work, while Laila got ready to do the same. She showered, got dressed and carefully wrapped the dress she had made, before placing it in a box with her logo. This box, along with the other small things that she needed to take care of in order to become and FEEL like a legitimate business, was the reason why she hadn't gifted the dress yet, despite it having been finished for a few days now.

She had to wait for the customized wrapping and boxes to arrive, before she could present her gift to her former employer. Because even if it was a gift. Even if she had only just started her company. Even if she had only promised a dress, and not a fully formed company, Laila wanted to bring her the complete package. She wanted to show her former employer that her trust and confidence in her was the right choice and that she was in this for real and in for the long run. That she was really intending to make a name for herself out there with a real, legitimate business. One that had all the elements. Not just something that was a hobby, funded by her husband, run from the comfort of her own home, without taking a single risk for herself.

For that she had to create a website, register her company name, buy supplies and professional wrapping materials that properly represented her company. The logo she had used for everything, was the logo she had used for the company she had in her previous life as well. Laila wanted to bring that small piece of her past into her present, because that was the only thing that she felt belonged truly to her, and only to her. It was the one thing to her name, that she hadn't obtained through her husband. Something she planned to hold true in this life as well.

Although she had planned this, intending initially to copy the logo and company name exactly as it was, life proved that you can't just bring something from one life into the other. Consider the time frame she wanted to get things done in, and Noah's skills with all things digital, including website design, she ended up asking him for help in that small aspect of her newly founded company. One thing that cannot be absent from a company's website, is their name and logo. So, after registering the domain name, Laila showed Noah the logo she intended to use. She told him the meaning behind it and what she wanted it to represent. Wanting to connect the company she had then with the one she had now.

But after listening to everything and looking at the logo carefully, he suggested some minor adjustments. Just to make it something that didn't only represent her past, but had elements of this life and her future. When Laila saw the adjusted design, she couldn't help but fall in love with it. She had to admit that it was perfect, and better than what she had before, despite having worked so hard on that design in her previous life. It was the perfect mix of 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.'.

The something old was hidden in her old logo that was used as the basis of it all. The something new came from her unborn son that still had to make his way into her life. For this they had used the D from his name to change the name of her company from its original Eternal Fashion into Eternal Designs. The something borrowed was the little star that now dotted the 'i' of the company name, which was the same star that was incorporated in the logo of Infinity Enterprises. Connecting her past with her present.

The reason he had picked this part of their lives to use as the connection between her previous life and current life, was because the words infinite and eternal had a similar meaning in her mind. She had chosen the word 'eternal' because she wanted her dresses to never go out of style. The same way 'infinity' was used to represent how Noah's designs and gadgets will keep doing with they need to do until infinity. Finally there was the element blue. This was added in a very subtle way in the twinkling of the star, as it was her favourite colour.

Seeing all of this, blended into one, how could she say anything other than 'yes' to using this design. Laila let out a small sigh before telling Noah that he was right. But that was not all she wanted to say, at least not deep down inside. Because without much thought, while her eyes were still fixated on her new and improved logo, Laila added some praises Noah did not expect. She said, "Just like you, it is perfect and I can't help but fall in love with it." For the Noah who was a bit worried he had overstepped his bounds after promising he would not get involved in Laila's company, as she wanted to do this on her own, these words were all he needed to hear to feel not only relieved, but overjoyed as well.