It wasn't easy for her to get this privilege. Initially she tried to guilt one of the nurses into using her phone by saying that she needed to call her boyfriend, because he had not come to see her, making her 'worried' that something might have happened to him as well. But none of the nurses she approached believed her or simply refused because they knew that she was someone that was awaiting trial and not just any other patient. But luckily for her, because one of her regulars got sick, one of her colleagues stepped in. This nurse had just joined a few months ago and happened to be in rough patch with her boyfriend, making her more susceptible to Olivia's pleas and relationship story.
When Olivia noticed that the nurse that entered her room, wasn't one of the usual nurses, she saw her chance. She sighed and with a sad, melancholic smile, she looked in the direction of the window. In such a situation, it is rare for a nurse to not notice their patient being gloomy and asking about it, so that is what she did. "What is wrong Miss Smit, are you feeling unwell? Did your wounds start hurting again?"
Olivia shook her head and let out another sight before saying, "No, it isn't that. But… Never mind. I'm sure you don't care about my problems if they aren't about my wounds. Even if I did tell you, I doubt you would be able to help."
As the nurse started unwrapping her bandages, she said, "Try me. I am sure if you say it out loud, it will help you feel better already. And who knows, I might just be able to give you a solution." With a wink she added, "I have more tricks up my sleeve than you might think"
Olivia pretended to be convinced and somewhat relieved that she could 'finally' share her story with someone, before she let the nurse in on her dire 'problem'.
"Well you see, before all of this, I got a boyfriend. He is sweet, handsome and rich to boot." The nurse played along and said, "Oooh, the full trifecta. So, what about this mister perfect?"
"Nothing really. He is still perfect. But I no longer am, and I am afraid that he will leave me because of what is going on in my life. With my perfect looks probably ruined forever, and me potentially being sent to jail, I need some reassurance from him that this is all in my head. I want to make sure he won't leave me for someone else or cheat on me. But he can't even visit me because of this ridiculous claim against me. I was about to clear my name, when all of this happened. I just don't know what to do. Especially since just a few weeks ago, we were fighting because he was getting too friendly with one of his female colleagues. I am sure that with me not by his side, she will put her claws in him. Even though he told me that they are nothing more than friends, she just gives me that uneasy feeling, you know?"
And the nurse did know, because she too was having a problem similar to that. Although in her case the girl wasn't a colleague, but the ex of one of his friends who insisted on remaining a part of the friend group. With her making eyes at her boyfriend, her jealousy slowly started to get the better of her. With him denying anything going on between them and refusing to remove her from their circle of friends, and her being sure that she was flirting with him and feeling unheard, they had regular fights and she feared that she would be losing him soon if nothing changed.
So, although she wanted to say "That is nonsense, I am sure he wouldn't cheat or leave you over this", she couldn't get the words to cross her lips. Even without all those problems, she was facing the same fear. So, how could she convince Olivia that it wasn't the case for her.
As she was nodding and hearing her own story in Olivia's, she sympathized with her and promised that she would help. "Why don't you call him. Talk to him about these fears and I'm sure he will tell you that it is all nothing."
Olivia could almost feel the taste of victory. The nurse was walking right into her trap. All she needed was one last tug, in order to win her over and get her to do what she wanted. Looking down at her hands, and fidgeting with her fingers, before slowly raising her eyes back up to meet the nurse's look.
When they were eye to eye again, Olivia said, "Well, I would if I could, but I don't have my phone. I was awaiting trial remember, so they took my phone when I was brought to the precinct and I haven't seen it back yet. I would use the phone of my darling mother, but sadly they confiscate hers too before she enters the room. So, to be honest, you are my only hope. If of course you meant the words you said before, of wanting to help me, I hope you can do me this one small favor and let me make a call to my boyfriend with your phone. I promise I'll make it quick and I am certain it will make me feel much better. I'll be sure to pay you back for you kindness and effort"