Not afraid to sing!

Thanks to Jack the Joker was caught and brought in for questioning. The moment they handcuffed him, Max called Noah at the hospital to let him know they had gotten the person who was responsible for Laila's injuries. He didn't want to call Noah directly before this. Not only did he not want to add to Noah's burden, who was worried about Laila and his child making it out of surgery alive, he also didn't have any real answers to give him. So, he didn't want to waste his time with menial details. But now that they had caught the perpetrator, he wanted Noah to be the first to know. Of course they still needed answers regarding the 'why' and the 'who put him up to it', but this was already such a big win, that those things felt like details.

Besides, they already knew that Olivia had been the one to give the hit order. All they needed from the Joker regarding that, was to confirm it for the detective in order to add the charges to her trial. For what Noah probably had in mind for her, her being guilty in the court of law was of no consequence. More an added bonus, but in no ways would it determine her being guilty in his eyes or would a 'not guilty' verdict stop him from getting even with her.

Although there was no way he could ever pay her back in full for what she had done, he would make sure he would make her suffer for as long as his anger was still present. Make her not only regret harming Laila after he showed her mercy, but make her even regret being alive. Make her want to have been in that car in Laila's stead and have been killed upon impact instead of living through another day of what he would put her through. That was the severity of her crime in Noah's eyes. Where there had once been a time where he had felt that Olivia's crimes weren't as bad as Harrold's, she had now surpassed him. 

The moment Max called, Noah answered. Not even a second was wasted as he knew that Max calling him in this situation, would either be very good news or very bad. Both he would need to hear as soon as possible. He answered the phone with a curt "Yes." as form of a greeting and way of telling Max to tell him the reason his was calling. Max too wasted no time and said, "We caught him. He's being brought in for questioning as we speak. The moment I have more answers I'll let you know." 

Noah balled his fist when he heard they had found the person responsible for this and let his anger flow in that direction as he held back the urge to head over there right away and deal with the man himself. He just replied, "Good. Good. Let me know as soon as you find out something." 

Max nodded and asked, "How is Mrs. Stephens doing?" Noah let out a soft sigh and said, "She is doing well, under the circumstances. She is a fighter after all and so is my son. It is clear that he takes after her." Although Max couldn't see this, Maria and Steve could and were speechless, because in that moment Noah was even able to let out a brief smile as he stroked Laila's forehead gently. It had felt like ages since they had seen him smile and look so vulnerable at the same time. Maria believed it might actually be the first time she had seen him like this. Noah wasn't one to let down his guard with everyone and with their relationship being what it is, she certainly wasn't on the list of people included. 

After information from both sides was exchanged, Max and Noah ended their call. Both returning their focus to the matter in front of them.


In a few short minutes Max, Jack and the detective arrived at a police station with the Joker. This is where they would question him regarding his involvement in the accident that had ended with Laila, Damian and Jack in the hospital. Although there were quicker ways to get answers, they had to do this part by the book for him to receive punishment through the law as well as make sure that Olivia would receive hers too. Where her involvement in what had happened at I.E. headquarters could only indirectly be proven, with a confession from the Joker, they would be able to show the real dirt on her hands ran far more deeply than the documents they had provided to the courts.

Fortunately people like the Joker were such scum, that they had loyalty for and to no one. So, it didn't take long for him to tell them what had happened between that dreadful phone call made by Olivia and what had happened to Laila. He even took some type of pride in it all. Sophia had stupidly only considered whether the person she would hire would rat her out to Harrold, but she hadn't taken into account whether that person would rat her out to the cops if he or she would get caught. This was due to her not considering that scenario as she deemed herself just as untouchable by the law as the people she associated with. Somehow being blind to the fact that right now she herself was facing jailtime. But either way, they had caught their bird, and he wasn't afraid to sing!