Chapter 4. Brutality

As the day progressed the only thing Jericho could think of was the fight that would come later. Luckily this day was almost entirely being used for students to think over all of their options for furthering their education. But Jericho himself had no use for the extra time to choose.

All this time gave him was an anxious energy that he couldn't shake. It didn't help that the strange text he saw kept appearing wherever he went every now and then. At least four hours had passed and it was now around ten o' clock.

System Start Progression


The counter for this "system" was unnerving Jericho far more than the fight Leonard or Larry or whatever his name was had challenged him to.

'What will happen when it reaches 100%? Will it be something bad or am I just crazier than I thought,' Jericho thought looking at the blank page of a book that had the system message on it pretending he was reading.

Jericho looked at the clock on the far wall of the class to see exactly how much time he had.

10:25 a.m.

This gave him about thirty five minutes until he needed to be behind the school.

'At the rate this thing has been progressing and if the fight goes well I'll be able to finish it just before the counter runs out,' Jericho thought grimacing,' I don't like this unknown variable at all.'

"Alright students. Have you all had enough time today to decide on your educational path," the home room teacher asked gazing around the room.

His question was met with either groans or resounding confirmations. It looked like not everyone was ready but they all only had a half a day of normal school time to decide.

"Alright, everyone who has decided turn in your school choice on the left of my desk and the discarded choices on the right."

Jericho was the first to stand with no hesitation. This obviously didn't sit well with the other students who were already mad at him.

"That freaking bastard is mocking us," said a girl off to Jericho's left.

Her friend nodded glaring at his back as he stood in front of the teachers desk.

"Ah I'm not surprised," the teacher said with a tired smile," it was your first choice so there's really no need to deliberate I suppose."

"Yes, thank you for not discouraging me for this choice, sir."

"Please. It's every teachers duty to believe each of their students can rise to the goals they've set for themselves."

Nodding Jericho walked back to his seat and had to listen to thirty more minutes of everyone whispering insults about him.

Finally the time had come and he made his way back to his locker to collect any leftover school supplies he would need at Vesta's. Now that the time was close he wanted to get to the back of the school as fast as he could. Jericho had a plan for this fight, the last time he had fought those other boys he had been takin by surprise by them.

Not this time, he would thoroughly scope out the area and maybe even lay a few traps of his own. After all he himself didn't have an ability and any advantage that he could get would help.

The only problem was he had no idea what the other guys ability was and that could ruin even the best thought out plan. If nothing else he could just run and not have to worry about it, Leonard or Larry or whatever, may have talked a big game but he was either to stupid or to weak to get into Vesta like Jericho had.

11:30 a.m.

Jericho re entered the back clearing of the school, the purple haired boy standing and glaring at him. There was also a crowed of students in an open circle around him allowing Jericho entry to the middle.

"Took you long enough asshole! Looks like word got around about this ass whooping you're about to get."

Other students looked at Jericho with mixed expression from hate, mirth, and even a few of pity.

"Kick this guys ass Louis!"

"Show that freak why he should just give up Louis!"

Jericho entered the middle of the circle looking at the boy he now knew was named Louis," I'm gonna be honest. I thought your name was Larry or something."

That definitely pissed the guy off, he now had a look of bewilderment and rage," you piece of shit! Are you mocking me?!"

And with that he rushed Jericho right fist flying seemingly forgetting all about his ability.

'How stupid.'

Stepping forward all Jericho had to do was step slightly forward and to the left making Louis' fist miss its mark and causing him to overextend. Grabbing his arm Jericho twisted the appendage pinning it behind the boys back.

"You know, it was probably pretty stupid to just attack someone in hand to hand combat who's been having to learn it all of his life not relying on an ability to get by."

"Shut the fuck up!"

Surprisingly the boy was smart enough to hook one of his feet behind Jericho's trying to make him unbalanced so he could flip him forward. And it may have worked if it wasn't the most obvious option for the purple headed dunce, but Jericho let him believe he had surprised him and when Louis flipped Jericho over his shoulder he leaned into the maneuver and rolled out of his enemies range.

Unsurprisingly, the boy now realizing his mistake had began using his ability, manifesting purple whips from his palms he aimed in Jericho's direction.

'Interesting. Let's see how they work.'

Circling one another both boys sized the other up seeing who would make the first move.

Apparently, Louis had had enough waiting and lashed his right whip in Jericho's direction aiming to take out one or both of his eyes.

'Not a bad strategy but...'

Jericho just stepped back a few steps causing the whip to lash a few feet in front of his face. And Louis frustrated stepped forward in a spot Jericho narrowed his eyes at.

'It looks like he only has about a five foot range. Now let's see something else, this may hurt if my hunch is right.'

When Louis lashed with his left whip this time instead of stepping away Jericho used his right arm as a shield and made the whip rap around his arm causing a gash to form from the impact. But other than that nothing else happened.

'So it looks like his whips are only physical constructs made of energy and they don't have any other effects. I was being careful because I thought maybe it would burn me as well, but with that not being an issue this should go much easier.'

"Got you this time dipshit," Louis said attempting to pull Jericho toward him with the whip wrapped around his arm.

"I think you're a little to confident for an idiot with a barely useful ability. I mean any idiot with training in using whips that they just carry around with them would be more effective than you."

"The fuck did you ju-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because Jericho gave a slight jerk on the whip around his arm causing the boy to stumble forward.

When Jericho rushed toward Louis, the boy instinctively tried stepping back but when he went to get traction and jump backwards his foot slipped on an unnoticed hole. Louis fell backwards twisting his ankle making him scream in pain.

Not waiting Jericho continued his rush forward stomping on Louis' injured ankle and planting a knee in his gut. Air exploded from his lungs and he wouldn't get a respite to breath as Jericho slammed a fist into his face.

"I told you *punch* even an idiot *punch* with training *punch* would be more effective than you. If you weren't so stupid *punch* you would've realized *punch* your advantage was in ranged attacks."

"Holy shit. He's really laying into the guy."

"No wonder everyone calls him a psycho."

"Hey," Jericho said looking back at the talkers," if you don't have anything useful to say, just shut the fuck up."

With that said he looked back down at Louis who was glaring up at him through swollen and black eyes," wow you're still conscious? What a trooper but sadly our time together has come to an end. Goodnight."

Just before Jericho could punch the boy for the last time a sharp electrical current ran through Jericho's body. Looking at the source he saw that the whip still around his arm had began pulsing.

"I didn't think I'd actually have to use this on a fucking reject like you," Louis said through broken teeth and a swollen face," but at this point I just want to hear you scream."

"AH-," but before Jericho let out a full scream he clamped his mouth shut grimacing not wanting to show any weakness.

As the current flowed through his body Jericho felt Louis position his good leg on his stomach and shove him away.

Panting Louis stood unsteadily over Jericho smiling through the blood in his mouth," I'm gonna enjoy frying the shit out of you!"


System Progress 100%

!Error! User Assistant interface Interrupted

Initiating Self Preservation Mode

Most compatible ability "weak flame flow"

As these words flashed in Jericho's face a thin trail of red fire snaked along Louis' whip scorching his skin around his hand causing the whip to dissipate.

"OW! What the fuck," he said staring at his scorched hand.

Before he could have a chance to recover Jericho rushed back to his feet and tackled him back to the ground.

'This is going to be a familiar sensation I expect,' Jericho thought slamming the boys head into the ground.

Luckily enough there was a rock bellow Louis' head severing his consciousness from the waking world. And just like before a wisp circled up Jericho's arm but this time it was the same purple color of Louis' whips. This time however the rush of feeling was twice as amazing as it had been before. Jericho's heart beat rapidly as if it would hammer right out of his chest. Until suddenly it's pace lessened and continued into a normal tempo.

Jericho stared at Louis' beaten face. Looking down at his hands Jericho only had one thought.


As he stared at the boy an odd transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes.

Louis Velior

Level: 2 (Beta)

HP: 5 / 70

Status: Unconscious

XP: 235/400

Energy: 45 / 100

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 7

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 3


Ability: Energy Whip

This ability allows the user to manifest whips of energy at least five feet in length at a cost of 20 energy to manifest them and an extra 30 to activate the energy current to stun enemies and cause pain. This ability causes the user to expel energy as long as the current is active in intervals of 5 per second and once all energy is expended the whips will vanish.
