Get the key

------Sometimes I think I was very lucky to move here, like here there are still people, there in my country the news is very bad, the army was decimated by zombies, few resources, death of thousands of people.....shit bro.

-----Calm down man, don't think about it too much, you can fuck your head, believe me, I know.

-----How would you know?

------ let it go, Carlos. you ever thought it's hard to believe that if the blood of these zombies touches us, we "die" , that sounds silly, I know there's the explanation of skin pores, cell infection, etc but I still can't believe it.

------If I'm not mistaken it was Dr Kyle says "When blood comes into contact with the skin more specifically with the pores, the blood drains the body until it reaches the cells, transforming them into parasites", but it is also not certain that Kyle's theory is correct, as other theories seem to be stronger.

-----I give up following the theories every day a new one appears, the worst are the theories of the origin of the virus ranging from sandwich infection to rabid rats, sandwich infection, where (laughs) science was (laughs).

----Hmm, how would a sandwich infection work, like when you eat the sandwich or when you touch it, maybe the sandwich bites you.

----Seriously sandwiches biters hahaha, this I want to die to see hahahaha, stop these cigarettes James, they're affecting your mind.

----If you think that, you should see when i smoked weed in college.

----Weed in college,parties, fun, cigarettes...I wonder if this has brought me to my current status.

-----Dude sometimes I miss this time, walking the streets, seeing people, I think I would give anything to have it back, I wish people had respected the laws imposed by the government and stayed at home.

-----So about telling me more stories about that guy from the hardware store.

-----What happened to you all of a sudden? to be interested in my stories.

-----Nothing I'm just bored.

----Ok, so..... I came back to that store after a week, the area was infested with zombies, I have no idea why I went back there, maybe in mine I was still hoping that man was still alive or hoping to find more resources in that old hardware store.When I arrived at the store, it seemed to be emptier than before, I don't know why I did it but I went to the door where I talked to that guy, and I said "hey are you there", surprisingly i heard an answer that was "yes i'm still here in this terrible situation".I asked if he managed to get out of there,he replied that he remained there since the last time he spoke to me.

-----The guy who got bitten?, it sounds a lot like a fisherman story.

------ Fisherman story?.

------You know when fishermen, when they don't have a good story to tell, they start to exaggerate so that the story becomes interesting.

------Ah, I had really forgotten about that slang, but then I started to fill the guy with questions about the ''bite'' and he kept repeating the same thing, "I was bitten by a singer, there was him and 4 other people counting on the man in boots, we formed a group to try to survive this fallen world, oh i should find Robin but i think it's too late for me, you know when i think, in explosions i always think like that's the end of it, and wouldn't that be good? you know it would all end but it would make a future possible for others, I think you should keep this key, it opens a door which is in a container that is in the port two ducks, the container is red with a picture of a man holding a fish, on the side there you'll find ammo, some weapons and some food, now I think you should go back, they usually gather in front of the store at this point."

----This story is very false, have you seen the guy?, have you ever tried to get him out of that closet?

-----No I didn't see the guy, yes I tried to open that damn door I even used that crowbar I used to use as a weapon but the door was very resistant, but I have a proof, look at this he passed me this key under the crack, seeing this keyring with the image of a man holding a fish? so i have your confidence now?

-----You plan to go there ?, to see if there's really something, to me he's just a junkie who was stoned or maybe someone trying to set a trap for you.

-----We have enough resources, we're not that desperate stopping to think better, he must be just a junkie or as you said, someone trying to set a trap, but i admit i'm still a little curious to know.

-----Forget about it James, we would never need this container anyway.

Two weeks before the gunfire