Vengeance has just begun

For Mr. Yudhisthira

Nindy's request is not a difficult thing.

Mr. Yudhisthira will repay Nindy's kindness with find the people who made him suffer!

"Alright, Nindy... what do you want to do with them?" Mr. Yudhisthira smiled with a wise face. In his heart determined to protect the girl wholeheartedly just like Nindy who had gone to great lengths to provide information about the planned murder against him the other day.

Only Mr. Yudhisthira knew that Nindy was determined to tell the plan after canceling her suicide on the 5th floor. Only she knows why Nindy wanted to commit suicide. it's Nindy's secret.

"I want them to feel the same!" replied Nindy said in a voice that sounded painful.

Nindy got carried away.

She thought back to the time spent on the cold prison floor.

Nindy, the only daughter of Mr. Herwan Kurniawan, a wealthy businessman, is used to being spoiled and sleeping on a soft and luxurious mattress, suddenly in prison, sleeping on the cold prison floor, hot in a large room with dozens of women who have criminal legal crimes. diverse, apart from the mother's stroke and dementia.

Nindy almost jumped from the fifth floor of the prison hospital, poisoned bread expired. If Nindy knew, if the room on the 5th floor was once occupied by hospital guards who committed suicide jumping from the fifth floor, how could Nindy dare to move and roll on the dirty floor to make a Caesarean section stitch open and have to undergo repeat surgery.

Moment clear.




Mr. Yudhisthira slowly stood up to take the chocolate candy box and gave it to Nindy.

"According to experts... dark chocolate can stimulate the production of endorphins, serotonin, antidepressants which creates a sense of pleasure and can improve one's mood. Eat!" Mr. Yudhisthira broke the silence.

Nindy laughed. She received the chocolate while wiping the tears in the corners of his eyes.

"I did not know that Mr. Yudhisthira was a scientist...chocolate!"

"Hahaha... I read this chocolate packaging box!" Mr. Yudhisthira laughed softly.

"How? Are you better?" Mr. Yudhisthira asked again, this time he took the chocolate for himself.

Somehow he is more at ease. Is it because of this chocolate or because he is happy to meet Nindy?

"It tastes... more bitter!"

"Hahaha... chocolate is specifically for diet people. I don't know what kind of chocolate you like...!"

Nindy laughed again.. Mr. Yudhistira Salman is very kind, he must be struggling to find out what kind of chocolate she likes.

"Thank you... the chocolate is very good... but I prefer white chocolate!"

"Then I have to go to Switzerland to look for it!"

"There is in Paris too!"

"Ha ha ha!" Mr. Yudhisthira laughed again.

Nindy was shocked.

Mr. Yudhisthira stood to take something on the table, chocolate! Mr. Yudhisthira took another chocolate, there was white chocolate too! Mr. Yudhisthira collects chocolate from all over the world.

"Who leaked the secret that I like chocolate from abroad? Hmm! Ratna and Soraya! Those two people are the culprit!"_

Mr. Yudhisthira is so fresh and happy.

He laughed countless times today.

Something that rarely happens in his life now.

In the past, his life was cheerful, full of happy laughter. But it's been a long time!

10 years ago. When Aurora was still alive.

Mr. Yudhisthira remembers Aurora his late wife, his mother Raditya.

Aurora died in a plane crash, her body was never found.

"Nindy... what else do we want?"

"That is all!"

"That is all?!"

"Yes... that's all!"

"All right! Now... aren't you hungry?"

"Do you want to eat?"

"I haven't eaten since this afternoon!" Mr. Yudhisthira said what it is.

Nindy was surprised.

Who would have thought that he was a ruthless gun mafia boss? Mr. Yudhisthira is just like an ordinary man. Simple and understanding.

"Okay... I'll accompany you to eat!" Nindy smiled sweetly.

Yudhisthira was stunned for a moment.

Does this young woman want to accompany him to eat?

Mr. Yudhisthira never went out to eat with women. Even with Mrs. Esther Melody, his wife. This woman he married because he has a body posture and face similar to Madame Aurora. Yudisthira Salman's marriage to Esther Melody took place at the insistence of Raditya, his son. The boy falls in love with his favorite piano teacher.


Mr. Yudisthira Salman opened his hands and invited Nindy to walk forward first.

"Through this way!" Mr. Yudhisthira led the way.

Mr. Yudhisthira's room has its elevator.

They headed to the 12th floor. This office building is connected to the Salman hotel.

After arriving on the 12th floor they stepped on travelator so there is no need to walk down the long alley to the Salman hotel restaurant.

The Salman hotel restaurant has luxurious royal decorations with beautiful crystal chandeliers.

Nindy thought, even though she had a lot of money right now, she wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars just for one meal at a restaurant like this sultan. Without this insurance, maybe currently stranded living in poverty, or staying with Ratna's kindness, or she lives under Mr. Yudisthira's gift, or maybe Nindy is forced to work to earn daily money or monthly money.

Meanwhile, Nindy, who was born a spoiled child, never dreamed of working. Even though his parents equip him with knowledge.

Nindy still doesn't know what to work into.

Until here, Nindy is grateful that her life is still very good. God is merciful! Nindy continues to be provided with an abundance of wealth after going through the ordeal.

Nindy realized that even if she worked hard, she wouldn't be able to get as much money as the insurance money.

"Maybe this is what made that loser guy ask me to reconcile! Huh! Who do you think you are ?!" _

Nindy snorted in annoyance.

"What is wrong?" Mr. Yudhisthira asked in surprise.

"Oh, it is okay!" Nindy turned her gaze to the menu. Hiding his face that was red with anger.

She remembered coming to Mr. Yudhistira Salman's office. Because of Frans, Nindy had to lock herself up for a long time in the women's toilet.

"Nindy.... are you interested in working?" Asked Mr. Yudhisthira with a soft smile.

"Frankly ... I am... not a reliable working woman since I was little... I used to get what I wanted... so ... until now I didn't know what to work for? Or what to become!" replied Nindy without meaning to be arrogant. Didn't Mr. Yudhisthira also know that in the past she was the daughter of a conglomerate? A spoiled only child.

It's just, who knows who she is? Nindy, the

daughter of the rich, is fat Nindy. Now she's just Nindy who lives off the insurance.

Nindy looked down. She was embarrassed to have spoken honestly about himself.

Mr. Yudhisthira smiled softly again.

"You can manage your own company!" Mr. Yudhisthira said, he suddenly had the idea.

"That's great! But my father's company is out of business!" Nindy grinned, remembering her father's bankrupt company.

"You can rebuild it!" Mr. Yudhisthira smiled with wisdom.

"Build a company?" Nindy doesn't think so.

"Yes... that's an easy matter!"

"Mr. Yudhisthira is indeed a good person!"_ Nindy praised herself.

Nindy realized that currently, she was with the Indonesian version of King Salman.

What is impossible for Mr. Yudhisthira?


In Mr. Yudhisthira Salman's office, there was a scene.

Mrs. Esther Melody forced her way into Mr. Yudhisthira Salman's office.

"Mr. Yudhisthira was having guests... he didn't want to be disturbed?" replied Jack.

"Oh yes? Do you want to suffer the consequences, if I don't go in and deliver this important news!" Mrs. Esther threatened.

"Whatever it is, pass it on to me, madam!" said Jack in a stern voice

"Is that so? Choose your life or my son's life!" Mrs. Esther was angry. Mrs. Esther Melody always used Raditya as a weapon.

"Madam ...!"

"Get lost!"

Mrs. Esther broke into Mr. Yudistira Salman's room.

"Yudhisthira!" Empty office living room.

Yudhisthira ...! "Mrs. Esther Melody went into the den, restroom, and toilet.

Nobody there.

"Who is Yudhisthira's guest? She must be a woman!"

Mrs. Esther Melody smelled the remains of Women's luxurious perfume that had been left from the room.

Mrs. Esther Melody was burning with emotion.


One week later, Nindy read and watched the news in the online mass media,

Four unscrupulous members of the Komam city police were arrested for a narcotics case.

One of them even kept 40 grams of crystal methamphetamine in his boarding house and was suspected of being a dealer.

The criminals were fired before undergoing questioning by the military police.

"They will suffer more, more terrible than mine!" Nindy smiled coldly.

"They made me a criminal for that illicit goods... then what are they called? Victims?

Vengeance has just begun.