Get out of the're blocking my path!

That morning, Mrs Esther Melody was enjoying a beautiful winter in London. The days are very pleasant here. She has new friends in this country.

Mrs Esther Melody called Mathilda,

"Who told Evie and Frans Winata to stay at my house?"

Mathilda is confused,

"Wasn't it the madam who sent me a WhatsApp message, took the spare key at the boutique and sent it to Mrs Evie!"

"WhatsApp messages? I never messaged through that app!"

"Hah! So who sent the message?" Mathilda is confused.

Mrs. Esther Melody realized something, her WhatsApp had been hacked. "Only the mafia does that!"_ Mrs. Esther Melody growled. "It must be Yudisthira Salman's doing!"_

"How did Evie Melody get into Salman Regency?"

"The ID restriction has a validity period, the madam is only limited to entering Salman City for one month," explained Mathilda.