Bless The Elders

Uncle Ridwan is being treated at a luxury hospital in Salman City.

"Mr. Ridwan only needs a few days' rest, he will soon recover!" the doctor said explaining Ridwan's uncle's condition.

"How long are those few days doctor?' asked Lanang, this teenager is impatient. They want to enjoy their new apartment immediately.

"Maybe 3 or 5 days!" answered the doctor.

"Doctor...can't my husband just be hospitalized!" Mrs. Zulfa is confused about the cost of this luxurious hospital.

They don't have much money. Nor did she want to sell her jewelry for her husband's hospital bills.

"We'll see how it goes!" replied the doctor with a friendly smile.

Lanang looked at his mother,

"Mother...should we go home first, we didn't bring a change of clothes!" Lanang said. He wanted to take a look at the new apartment.

"You go home, bring Nikmah!"

Lanang welcomed his mother's decision.


_Back to King Salman Hotel, 45th floor,__