Roman you cheater! You pink wolf

Nindy, Ratna, and Soraya's anxiety did not last long when two brothers and sisters approached Yudisthira Salman.

Raditya gently pushed Davita's body closer to her father. Davita looked at her brother's face doubtfully, Raditya nodded. Raditya made this 2-year-old toddler a spokesperson. Mr. Yudhisthira smiled at Davita while bowing his body to Davita.

"Daddy, can we eat first, we are hungry?" whispered Davita.

These two kids couldn't help but want to eat first.

"Please! No problem!" replied Mr. Yudisthira Salman laughing.

"They asked permission to eat first!" said Mr. Yudisthira Salman.

"Oh... hahaha... please honey!" said Aunt Diene softly.