Second Video!

Grand Jamrud Hotel Restaurant,_

Mr. Yudisthira took a deep breath, he didn't want to have a polemic with a child, especially in the name of an innocent baby.

"Sorry! I don't understand what you mean!" replied Mr. Yudisthira with a flat face.

He didn't seem to like the question.

He didn't like the baby to be associated with him.

"Mr. Yudisthira... aren't you and Mrs. Esther Melody recently separated, and the baby was born during your marriage to Mrs. Esther Melody?"

"Sorry...maybe you can ask Mrs. Esther Melody about it. Only she knows the origin of her child!" Mr. Yudisthira Salman dodged. It wasn't fair that he saw that innocent baby in his feud with Mrs. Esther Melody.

"Esther Melody made a misstep! She made an unimportant matter critical. She hurt herself!"_

"Mr. Yudisthira Salman did you... refuse the baby. We noticed that the baby looks very much like you!" The journalist tried to urge Mr. Yudisthira Salman.