Spread Poison

So far, Mrs. Shalina, Mrs. Elea Deborah, and also Esther Melody have never considered Soraya important. Soraya is just an extra in the group of three ladies.

Mrs. Esther Melody thought that Soraya could be included in the group of three because Soraya was the one who was used as a maid by Ratna White and Nindy.

Soraya did not have a strong family background. Soraya is an orphan. A widow without children.

No home.

Does not have a good education.

Soraya only graduated from high school, did not graduate from college.

While living at Salman Palace, Soraya became a nanny for Davita, who at that time was thought to be the daughter of Ratna White and Yudisthira Salman.

Soraya is also a nanny for Mrs. Clarita Adelia, Nindy Hermawan's biological mother.

Furthermore, Soraya, who had helped in the birth of Davita, received a gift of agricultural land from Nindy Hermawan.