Rude Awakenings

Akiko made her way back to the clubroom, practically skipping along. She didn't know trying to convince him would take so long and so much scraping, but she was happy that she had managed to pull through in the end. When she reentered the clubroom, everyone was doing their respective jobs of either line recital, adjusting lights, microphones or working on the pacing of their music. The president turned around when he heard the doors open and welcomed Akiko back. A few other members noticed her entering and curious about whether they'd be doing Frankenstein or a fairy tale gathered close.

Akiko crossed her arms, chuckled and smirked.

"I am happy to report: I've recruited someone who can create your monsters into our club, prez."

The president raised both fists into the air and started pumping them along with saying "Yes", every time he did so. After about ten seconds of acting like a fool, he turned back to Akiko and recomposed himself to look a bit more resolute which made everyone else laugh at his change.

"Good work, Higaki", he commended, "I'm glad that I could count on you."

Akiko smiled and offered a little salute to the president.

"Hey, Higaki."

Akiko upon hearing Mio's voice felt herself instantly tense up and her jaw clench. She made sure take a deep breath and to put on her best smile before turning around.

"Yes, Fujibayashi? Can I do something for you?"

"Oh no, not particularly", Mio crooned while stroking her chin as if plotting some sort of overly complicated scheme

"I would just like to know", she raised her voice a little, "why you're blushing so much right now."

Now that she had ever so subtly announced Akiko's facial state, Akiko could feel her resentment deepening. Despite the urge to smack Mio, she instinctively went to feel her face, and indeed it felt hot to the touch. She wondered if she was coming down with a fever or maybe a cold.

"You've been blushing ever since you came back. Did something interesting happen while you were out?"

Her face that was already tinged a shade of pink was now so embarrassed that she turned a deep shade of scarlet. It took a hot minute but the president calmed the club members down and made them get back to work.

"Don't mind them, Higaki", Prez advised, "Just a bit of stupid razzing going on, nothing more. Anyway, once again, good work on finding us a replacement."

"Happy to help."

'What was that Nojiri was saying about this not coming back to bite him? Cause, it's already biting me.'

The next morning, Akiko woke up with a sense of anticipation. This was when production would really begin to take off. After heading out the door and going to her neighbor's, she still felt a little hesitant about approaching the house. Coming to the door, that stifling, uncomfortable feeling was still there, but nonetheless she rang the bell. She heard the sound of pounding footsteps and felt a small shot of fear run through her. Akiko remembered that Nojiri had infernally silent footsteps, so she had no idea whose footsteps were drawing ominously closer.

Instead of of the spindly form of the boy she was expecting, there was an even taller and surprisingly muscular form standing before her. Slightly craning her neck, she got a good look at the worn-out face of the man that she assumed was the father she heard so much about a week or two ago. She wasn't sure what to expect, but this sure wasn't it. The man was a whole head and a half taller than she was and had arms that were as thick as her thighs. While he was definitely muscled, he also looked like he was halfway between fit and out of shape. His tired face looked as if it hadn't been shaved in a week, and looked about as awake and cheery as a funeral mourner.

"Is there something you need?", the giant grumbled

The words were formally polite enough but his eyes made Akiko quiver.

"Um-- I ah."

"Are you going to tell me what it is you want or are you just going to standing there sputtering all morning?"

Akiko shook her head, and put on her brave face.

"I'm here for Nojiri, is he awake yet?"

The giant raised one eyebrow and shifted his mouth to the one side. Akiko put two and two together on where the boy's thinking face may have originated.

"You mean Benjiro? He's out like a light right now. What do you want with him?"

"Well-, I asked for his help with my club and we have practice twice a day, once in the morning before school and after."

"Hmm, he never told me about signing up for anything. How do you even know where he lives?"

"Sir, I would explain right now", she said urgently, "but our club makes it a point to meet at a regular time and right now I can't spare five minutes."

The giant looked a little suspicious with her not giving a straight answer, but went back inside to wake up his son.

"Would you like to come in and sit down while I get him?", he called to her

"No, I'll just stay back here", she called back

The near empty inside of the house still creeped her out and the threshold felt almost felt like a barrier between whatever lay inside. Two minutes later, she heard someone let a small string of curse words fly and a quick series of bangs, hurried footsteps and the sound of various things opening and being shut.

A disheveled Nojiri came hurrying down the steps. His partially unzipped schoolbag in one hand had a few books and folders hastily crammed inside and in the other hand his makeup kit. He looked a little worse for the wear with his bleary eyes, uncombed bedhead and uniform with the shirt not completely buttoned and tie just thrown in a hasty X-knot.

"S-sorry, I d-didn't know th-this is wh-what you m-meant b-by p-practice in the morn-ning."

"Jeez, took you long enough to get ready", she said with her arms crossed, "Now if you're done getting your beauty sleep, we need to go."

'That is a serious shift in how she was acting just a moment ago', thought Fumihiro watching from the staircase.

The girl started to speed walk away from the house, with Benjiro stumbling along trying to sling his bag over his shoulder, zip his jacket and blink the sleep from his eyes. When Akiko looked back, she thought it was a little odd.

'The inside of his house didn't feel especially warm, and the autumn air is crisp and chilly, so why does it look like he's been sweating buckets?'

They spent the nearly thirty minute walk talking about the importance of punctuality and the need to adhere to the club schedule, or rather Akiko lectured and Benjiro tried to listen as the clouds of drowsiness were still gathered in his brain.

"So, tomorrow morning be sure to set your alarm for five in the morning if you hope to have a prayer of being properly ready for practice in the morning."

Benjiro just groaned in response to show he was trying to pay attention. She turned to him looking confused and a little concerned, oddly enough.

"Just out of curiousity, are you feeling feverish or something?"

Inwardly she confirmed that he adopted his thinking face from his father.

"N-no, wh-why do y-you ask?"

"Well, we're not even walking all that fast, and yet you've been sweating ever since you woke up and you're as pale as a ghost."

Benjiro's hand tightened and he instinctively looked at the ground.

"It's-s n-noth-thing."

Even for him, that answer was vague, which made her want to ask a little more but she stopped herself.

'Everyone has things they don't like sharing. Don't I know that better than anyone?'