Chapter 7: New Beginnings, Part 3

TW: Mentions of assault.

January 1st, 2007

"No, stop! Zyler, don't go! Please..don't leave me!" I jerk up from my sleeping position, with my heart pounding in my ears. Fresh stains adorn the pages of the anatomy book. I cover my face before getting up.

It is early quiet outside. While picking up the pace, I look over my shoulder every thirty seconds. The hair on my neck stands on end and my purple eyes light up while passing a building complex.

"Kyoto Curse College? Do the youngsters from yesterday attend this place?" I shrug my shoulders and carry on. After rounding the corner, something approaching from behind causes me to freeze in place.

"Should I wish you a happy birthday, Santa-Clara, or would a Happy New Year make you feel more comfortable?" It is the blond sorcerer from last night.

"You may call me Blaze. We are the same age, and I prefer using first name-based greetings." I turn around, positioning myself to use an attack with or without cursed energy.

"The youngsters you are referring to, mind telling me what they look like?" Good grief, how long has this oddball been stalking me? How did I not sense him before? And his half-grin is not appealing.

"I would rather not. Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to take care of at home." Before I can turn around to leave, he grabs me by the arm and pins me against a wall. I kick out but he grabs my foot.

"Come on now, I asked you a question." His tone is low and serious. His beady eyes bore into mine, and I smell mint on his breath. "It is not appropriate for a younger person, especially a woman, to ignore a question that is asked of them."

"How about you cool it with the cocky attitude and let me go first. Then I will consider answering your questions."

"Hehe. I like your spunk, now answer me. Who were you…ah!" My forehead meets his, catching him off guard. I slip out of his grips, but he grabs a hold of my t-shirt, making me fall face-first onto the ground.

"Get off me you creep! Where did you…agh." I am kicked in the stomach and unable to move for half a second.

"Just as I thought. You are weak. Let me give you some advice, sweetheart, if you plan on surviving as a sorcerer, you must be gritty. There is no place in our community for the likes of you." He stands over me, looking me straight in the eyes while saying this. I grit my teeth while increasing my cursed energy reserves. I start laughing under my breath.

"What is so funny?" Now his tone is flat.

"What's so funny you ask? Your crummy attitude and assumptions." I stand up, leaning against the wall for support. I continue my speech while activating a technique. "You assume I am weak based on a narrow definition of strength. To answer your question from earlier, I don't know who the youngsters are…I make it a point to avoid sorcerers, for reasons you don't have the privilege of knowing. Technique-Release: Shadow Surprise."

With the Kyoto Curse School around the corner, my technique activation, and this bastard causing trouble, more sorcerers will come to see what is happening.

"I suggest getting up slowly in about ten minutes. If you try fighting your own shadow, you may die. Have a good day." I smile with my eyes, the rising sun making their purple hue sparkle.

"Why you little, bitch. Grr. Help me up, someone." By the time I disappear around the corner, two civilians run over the helpless blond.

January 1st, 2007: Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College

"Around 4:30 am, we got a report of a male Zenin clan member and unregistered female sorcerer fighting three blocks away from the Kyoto campus. Will the three of you explain how this is possible?"

"Umm…you see, last night she got away from us and has shown up again as of this morning." Shoko and Suguru shake their heads in disappointment.

"I am well aware of this, Gojo."

"Then why did you ask us to explain ourselves in the first place? We tried our best to bring her to campus, but she slipped out of our hands. Cut us some slack will you…it is a holiday after all."

"Satoru, stop saying we when referring to last night's failed mission. Shoko and I made suggestions to get our target, but you brushed us off per usual. And don't get me started with you feeling lazy because of the New Year holiday."

Shoko can't help but laugh at Suguru's outburst.

It is decided they will no longer try and bring me to campus until school starts back up again. Yaga leaves the classroom first to go talk with the Elders and update them on my whereabouts. Most holidays are observed at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse College, but students are expected to work if there is a shortage of sorcerers.

January 8, 2007: Abitha School for Young Minds

"I do apologize, but the student you are looking for has not shown up for school since November 2006. Frankly, I don't expect her to return any time soon." My school's principal, Madam Daikon.

"That is alright, we suspect she will make a return."

"Suit yourselves. By the way, what did you say your name was? Why are you here looking for Santa-Clara?"

Knock, knock.

"Miss Mizuno, what is the meaning of you coming into my office?"

"Madam Daikon, Santa-Clara is heading to campus. I will keep an eye on her."

"That would be appreciated, Miss Mizuno. Thank you." Norika smiles at her audience, curtsies, and leaves.

Between my parents freaking out when my mom fell pregnant with me, my brothers' deaths, and my father's disappearance, I keep myself out of sorcery politics.

Ring, ring, ring.

"I just arrived at the school, give me two hours."


Ring, ring.

"Well, long time no see. How has life been treating you?"

"Go away Norika, I am not in the mood to deal with you."


"How about you watch the way you talk to my girlfriend, eh?"

Could this day get any worse?

"Step away from me Ryo, you are too close." I ball my fists and square up to the 173 cm person standing behind me. "Ayumi, get your hands off the locker so I can get out of here!"

"Why don't you make me?"

Ring, ring.

"Not now, Ryo, we are going to be late for class."

As Ryo, Norika, and Ayumi walk away, I punch the air. I sheepishly wave at a few students as they walk past me. Once the books are in my bag, I gingerly close the door.

"Ok, now to sneak off before..."

"Stop. What class are you in now?"

"I don't know. Now please let me leave. I have a personal emergency to take care of." My heart drops to the ground as I am escorted away from the gate.

Second Period Theater Class

"As most of you know, we are doing Phantom of the Opera this year and…"

"Hey, don't mind us. We are just touring the school and sitting in on classes."

"Well, that is fine by me. May I see your visitor passes, young man?"


"Alrighty, everyone since...what is the commotion this time?"

The inferno on my face grows with each step forward. Thirty pairs of eyes lock in on me, making me feel like a caged bird. Suddenly, I stop in place, gripping my bag so hard that my knuckles turn white. Two heads, one black and the other white, sit erect three rows ahead of me.

"Are you going to sit down or not Santa-Clara? We don't have all day."

"Ya, give me a minute." I dart for the seat closest to where I am standing. The sorcerer with black hair turns around and looks my way. I shift my eyes to the stage, trying to drown out Miss Hibiscus' words by fidgeting with my sweatshirt.

"Mind if I keep you company?"

"Go away Ryo."

"Nah, I am going to sit here." I shift my body away from Ryo, leaning towards the isle.

"I don't bite, unless..."

"For goodness sake dude! Leave me alone!" I swat his hand away with enough force that he yelps.

"Miss Santa-Clara, what I going on?"

"I am minding my business and Ryo is..."

"Both of you, go to Miss Daikon's office."

The whispering from my peers pricks at my heartstrings. My pupils dilate and my hands start shaking. I grab my backpack before Ryo does more damage.

Biting energy cuts through my bones once I am in the hallway. It is not from the sorcerers, nor is it from the civilians at this school. I slowly shift my eyes to the field before rounding the corner to Miss Daikon's office.

"After you, my fair lady." Ryo smacks his gum while holding the door open.

I flinch away from him as I enter the office.

"And how may I help...Miss Santa Clara?"

A jolt of energy pulses through my body, stimulating my heart rate. I bit my teeth, sitting on my hands to prevent myself from dashing out the door.

"Miss Santa-Clara, I was not expecting you to return. And you are out of uniform."

"I am running an errand for a friend and would like to leave campus."

"And what errand would that be?"

"Gathering books, papers, and personal items...for a friend."

"Why is..."

"I am not disclosing more details to protect the identity of said friend." Beads of sweat form on my brow.

"Interesting. Then why were you sent to my office?"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I look Miss Daikon in the eyes and do not blink.

"I am waiting for an answer."

"There was a misunderstanding during theater class. I was sitting with..."

I get up from my seat and point to Ryo.

"A misunderstanding! I told you to leave me alone, and you did not listen!"

"All I did was try and make you feel welcome."

"Bologna. You assaulted me."

"Miss Santa-Clara. That is a harsh accusation."

My purple eyes slowly darken as my heart rate slows down. I curl up my left hand.

"It is the truth. I set up a boundary, and he crossed it without my consent!"

I slowly back out of the door, keeping my eyes locked on Miss Daikon and Ryo. The hallways are empty, and I bolt for the entrance. Once on the field, the floodgates open. I put my hands on my knees, hunching my back and dry heaving. After thirty seconds, I walk under the bleachers picking the chest before leaving campus.