Chapter 14: Next

"Way to stick it to Sir Shingo!" Satoru holds his left fist out. I smile and give his fist a light tap. The smile fades into a scowl while I turn my eyes to the door.

"What's the matter?"

"The way Sir Shingo brushed my question off does not sit right with me." I shove my hands in my pockets and shrug. There is nothing I can do about it now and should enjoy the evening.

After a quick celebration of our mission, my classmates and I retire to our rooms. I get ready for bed and fall asleep before eleven.

January 11th: 5:30 am

I pack up my bag and go to the hotel lobby for a morning cup of coffee hoping to have some alone time.

"Good morning." My head turns toward Suguru's melodic voice. "I thought I was the only early bird in our group until I saw you beat me to the punch. Mind if I join you?"

"Make yourself at home." I prop my left hand under my left temple and stare at my cup. A short sigh leaves my mouth.

"Long night?"

"You could say that."

I close my eyes, trying to block out the reoccurring nightmare involving Zyler. I open my left eye and look directly into Suguru's tomato-red face.

"My apologies, the wall looks nice." He looks at the table. "What made your night long?"

I smile and open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Suguru turns around to see what caught my tongue.

"You got sunburnt yesterday, Suguru?"

I take a deep inhale and a long exhale before picking up my coffee.

"Kindly refrain from bullying us, please. We were having a nice conversation."

"A nice conversation, eh? Come on, our chariots await."

Satoru pirouettes on his left foot, with his right arm waving freely. A small giggle escapes my lips making Suguru smile.

While fumbling for my keys, rotting flesh and rosewater hit my nose. I clutch my keys between my l right middle and pointer finger. My heart rate slowly rises as the front door opens. Nothing is in sight.

I keep my footsteps and breathing in check while heading for the bathroom. While focusing cursed energy on my occipital lobes, I close my eyes. There is no movement outside the bathroom door, the stairs leading up to my apartment are empty, but, the closet door in my room is ajar. I smile and brush my teeth.

Ten-Minutes Later

"If you attack, I will use this knife. Now sit down." I turn around to a grey-colored face with dead eyes. Her baby face is hallowing but, distinguishable. She looks at the blood by my elbow before walking to the front door.

I turn off the stove while placing the knife on the cutting board. My hand reaches for my neck, tracing the raised lines running between my jaw and neck. I gulp quietly while placing the blood by the door.

"Drink as much as you want. The food on the stove is for you too."

A wicked smirk forms on my face as I close the front door behind me. I look toward the street leading up to the apartment complex.

"Since the meeting did not go as planned, I will simply present Santa-Clara with this."

"What are you doing here, Zenin?"

"I should be asking you the same question Gojo. What is the curse manipulator doing here?"

"His name is Suguru. But someone like yourself can't be bothered to remember names. Right, Suguru?"

"Don't drag me into your argument, Satoru." Suguru puts his hands in his pockets and looks at the sky. "It seems like yesterday when we last met, Naoya."

"Save the smug attitude for someone who cares."

"What is with the book? Are you heading off to college?" Suguru tries holding back a laugh at Satoru's question. Naoya's face flushes pink.

"It's a gift for Santa-Clara!"

"She won't accept it. Move on." Satoru spits out in a sarcastically dramatic tone.

I adjust the sleeves on my flannel shirt and turn my body toward the landing. "Bonjour, tout le monde."

"How did you..."

"A highly skilled sorceress can sense out a warm body before they come into view. Humans have five senses that should not be overlooked as tools. Relying on cursed energy markers alone is not enough."

I smile at the three men, making the warmth in my heart grow stronger. I put my weight onto my left foot, letting my shoulders drop lower than my guard.

"I would not think too highly of yourself, Santa-Clara. As my father said, our meeting is still on the table. Now take these." He extends the gift to me.

"No, merci." I wave the back of my hand at Naoya, shifting my attention to my classmates.

"Are you free to hang out with us for a few hours?"

A faint crashing sound dances in my ears, causing my smiling face to tighten. My stomach flips and flops as I move toward my front step. While walking face-first into the door, I clear my throat and let myself inside.

February 1st, 2007: One Month After Transferring to Jujutsu Technical College

"Hey, what is the principal of the Kyoto school doing on-campus? It's the third time I have seen him on campus since January."

"Hey, Nanami, what is going on with...."

"Could you not drag me into your conversation? I am trying to take notes."

I shrug at Haibara and go back to reading the board. My phone starts vibrating in my pocket.

"Turn that off or take your conversation outside, Santa-Clara." I smile at Yaga while turning off my phone.

When class lets out, I sprint for the door, nearly missing a head-on collision with Nanami. My eyes fluctuate between lilac and royal purple as I run down the hallway. The grin on my face reaches its peak when I see the library attendant.

After collecting material on the Carbella Clan, I tip-toe behind my friends. A violent shaking from my pocket makes Satoru grin and turn around. My adrenaline rises slightly while walking with the group.

"Must be important for someone to call you three times in under an hour." Nanami states.

"Who is the unlucky sap trying to get a hold of you?"

"Please mind your own business." My eyes fix themselves on the screen. "I am not being pursued by a potential lover." I shake my head the moment I realize what I have said.

"Oh? So Naoya does not qualify as a potential lover?"

I look at Satoru point-blank with my left eyebrow raised. A quick scoff leaves my mouth while I put my phone away. Suguru shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

While discussing our upcoming missions I ask, "why is the Kyoto principal on campus?"

"Planning for the upcoming Sister-Exchange event," Suguru responds.

I furrow my brow and cock my head to the right.

"The Sister-Exchange event is a time for students to showcase their skills and build comradery. It is reserved for second and third-year students from both branches." Satoru spouts out between laughs.

"Sounds interesting."

As we step foot on campus, a chill slithers down my spine. My palms feel clammy and my forehead breaks out in a cold sweat. I turn my eyes to the right, making eye contact with the Disneyland vampire. He flashes a toothless smile before walking into the isolation building.

A hand reaches toward me but, it stops short of my shoulder after I shake my head no.


"There you are! Mei, Utahime, and I wondered when you would show up."

"Shoko, we are capable of handling anything that comes our way. One of the perks of being strong."

"Don't start with us Gojo, and please respect your elders." This woman has a red bow in her black hair and wearing a red bottom-white top combination.

"Hee, hee, it is easy to upset you, Utahime. Have you met our newest addition to Jujutsu Tech?"

Satoru turns an open palm toward me.

"Oh. Do you mean the person with her nose glued to her phone? I've heard rumors about her. She seems interesting."

The room grows quiet. I look up from my screen, noticing all eyes watching me. I cross my writs over my chest before putting my device away.

"The name is Blaise. Who are you?" I extend my hand to the woman wearing red pants.

"Lori, Utahime. It is nice to officially meet you." Utahimi smiles at me and turns toward Satoru. "Gojo this is how you treat your elders." Satoru rolls his eyes, sighs, and sits down.

The light-blue-haired woman stands like a tree next to me.

"And I am Mei Mei. I heard you were responsible for subduing the vampire that is in custody. How did you manage that?"

"Fighting as my life depended on it," I say with a flat affect.

"Agh, the newbie is being modest. She killed a vampire in addition to bringing that vampire into custody."

This bit of information makes Utahime scrunch her nose and Mei Mei grin.

"Don't draw unwanted attention to me Satoru. You have said enough." I cover my neck with the collar of my jacket while sitting down.

I am about to look at my phone when the door opens.

"Congrats Yaga on taming your students." Principal Gakuganji says while making direct eye contact with me. I close my eyes and count backward from ten.

I prop my chin on my left fist, focusing my attention on what Yaga is saying.

"The yearly Sister-Exchange Event will take place in two months. First years from both branches will participate!"

Yaga rushes through his speech while keeping his fists balled up. Whenever his eyes shift toward me, his mouth forms a tight line and his heart rate quickens a bit.

"Killing is strictly prohibited during the event. Incapacitating an opponent is acceptable. What questions do you all have?"

I stare at the wall in front of me with my mouth slightly ajar. It seems odd to force us first-years to participate but, I am not surprised. Jujutsu Technical College will do anything to reign in its students. When I notice the text message, my eyes bug out and my heart sinks.


"Sakura, what is going on?" I pant while fanning myself.

"Someone burnt their food while cooking? I don't know. I never leave the house!"

Poof! Great, a curse is on the rooftop. I rub my temples and pace the living room floor. After letting out a sigh and running into the bedroom, I have a plan.

"We need to evacuate. Put these on."

Sakura throws on the long-sleeve, hooded jacket, and black cargo pants without protest. I hand her sunscreen and sunglasses too.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Dang, it man!

A lump grows in my throat as the heat from my jacket makes me sweat some more. My roommate looks at me with gentle eyes and a relaxed face.

"I am fine Sakura. Do you need to eat?"

She shakes her head and comes towards me with her arms extended. I back up a few steps and dart my eyes left and right. Sakura stops moving before closing her fingers at herself. I slowly walk into her arms. She starts rubbing my back, making me sink into her embrace.

"Whatever started the fires will be taken care of by someone else. Oh, and your friends are a few blocks away."

My heart drops to the floor as Sakura lets me go. I am greeted with several, unread text messages.

Satoru: You still alive?

Suguru: Hello Blaise. After leaving in such a hurry, Mei and the rest of us were a bit concerned. Satoru has tried calling you a few times but has not gotten a hold of you. We will come to check in on you momentarily.

Satoru: Ignore Suguru, he is a simp with no backbone.

I facepalm myself and feel my cheeks heating up. At least the Higher-Ups and Elders have not been placed on notice…yet.

"Keep the hood up until we find a place to sit. Are you feeling overstimulated?"

Sakura shakes her head no.

"Have you seen your brother yet?"

"No. The last time I saw him was at Disneyland. Do you have any information on him?"

I close my mouth after spotting Satoru and Suguru rounding the corner.

"There she is, Suguru. Who is the person standing with her?"

"Do not start anything with her, Satoru."

"Why not? Teasing people is a specialty of mine." He flashes a smile to Suguru, "besides, she can handle anything that is thrown at her."

My eyes remain lilac as a smile forms on my face. I take Sakura's hand, leading us toward the boys.

"Who is this?"

"My roommate, she moved in a few weeks ago." I am pretty sure Satoru can tell I am lying. Oh well.

"My name is Sakura, and who are the two of you?"

Buzz, buzz, buzz. While Sakura and the dweebs converse, I excuse myself.

If you think harboring an undead being is all fun and games, I will make sure the fun part is taken away. Another scar on the neck never hurt anyone. If all goes accordingly, we will meet again.

My brow furrows and a lump forms in my throat. I can feel my eyes turning a dark-plum color but, I suppress the urge to scream.

"What is bothering you, Blaise?"

"I don't know how I am feeling right now, Suguru. Or how to process what is happening."

My heart skips a beat when I make eye contact with Suguru. His eyes lack judgment and hostility: a look I have not seen since Zyler and I relocated to Japan.