"Have you seen this yet" my friend said while we were on yhe phone, "seen wjat" I asked while clicking the link she sent me. It was a video of Devine drunk in a bar, like hammered drunk. "Wtf" I said to myself he was surrounded by girls and was even touching a girls ass, "damn ur think" he said to one of the girls. "Girl, what you gonna do" my friend said. "Imma call u back" I said i was so mad I hung up and sat down at the kitchen table, I took a deep breath and told myself to calm down. Then seeing Devine walk into the house. "How did u get here" I said then seeing he's bsf and one of his random friends walk in walk in after him with a nervous smile. "Before u kill me, he brought him there" he's bsf said pointing at the other guy. "Did u forget he had a gf" I said "I'm supposed u guys lasted to be honest he's always telling me how much he hates u" he said back "get the hell out my house" I said furiously "whatever, no wonder ur pussys the only reasons hes with u" he said making my blood boil making me throw a glass bowl at him, it hit his head and glass shards fell to the floor blood dripped from his head. He looked at me and slapped me to the floor and started beating me on the ground. Devines best friend dropped Devine and pulled him off me they started fighting and I fainted. Soon I woke up in bed I got up And went to find Devine. "Hey how do u feel" his bsf said "I'm fine" I said then seeing Devine still passed out on the couch. "Fucking jerk" I whisper to myself, then storming back into the room. I grabbed the duffle bag I bought him
And pours all his stuff into the floor and packed a bunch of my clothes in it. "Shit are u leaving" his bsf said "I never wanna see him again" I said out of anger. "Shouldn't u talk to him" he suggested "I hope he's happy alone" I said "meya" "angle!" I yelled then seeing his eyes I broke out crying "whyyyy" I sob on his friends shoulders. "You guys r gonna
Be fine" He said while hugging me and rubbing my back. Eventually I my sister pulled up And I got in her car. "So he cheated" she said "idk what to call it" I answered "I'll brb she said then getting out the car and going in the house. 20 min later she came back and we drove off. "What did u do" I asked "youll know soon" she said with a slight smile. "I miss him" I said "no we're not doing tht" she said then picking up her phone and calling somone. "Hey come over I'll send u the address" she said on the phone "who's tht" I whisper "you'll see" she said after hanging up once we got to her house I grabbed her uou and went into the guest bed room and cryed. After about 3 hours I went in the kitchen to eat sum. Then being startled by my ex….