That's the answer, silly.

"A relationship I would never allow, one that could turn you from a girl into a woman. Tsk, slow."


I was baffled. A relationship that could turn me from a girl to a woman?

Don't you become a woman as you age? Old Olly said I'm at the rightful age to marry. Thus, I was a girl, but I'm a woman now, correct?

"Your expression tells me you still don't understand." He smirked as we both exchanged gazes. "But, that's alright. I can just show you."

He raised his hand that was initially holding my chair. "Come, stand." He adjusted his fingers, asking me to take them.

Was it truly alright to touch him? I wondered, hesitant to take his hand as mine were dirty.

However, as I darted my eyes from his hand to his pair of crimson eyes, I gulped. I hesitatingly placed my hand on his.

The next moment, he pulled me up without exerting much effort and I didn't know if it was because I was malnourished or he was just that strong.

Perhaps, both.

Before I knew it, I was standing on my feet in front of him. He was still leaning against the edge of the table with his hand in mine and staring at me, keeping in between his spread legs.

Would he show me sorcery? Can vampires do that as well?

Obviously, he was the Duke. The nobles had special abilities hidden up their sleeves. The Duke would be no exception.

"Silly girl, I'll let you have a taste of how to become a woman," he whispered, moving his fingers as they smoothly slipped through the gaps between my fingers.

My heart started racing as soon as I felt something different from his touches. As he held my hand, his other hand traced my jaw once again.

Using the back of his fingers, he traced my jaw up and tucked my disheveled chestnut brown hair behind my ear. I pressed my lips into a thin line, shivering internally. I had been shaking out of fear ever since he came into my life.

But now, I was shivering, not from fear. I couldn't pinpoint this foreign sensation his touches sent within me, but my throat felt utterly parched.

"Even without the privilege of the nobles, you still stand out among them," he muttered under his breath. I watched his sharp eyes fall to my collarbones.

"Your clothes… they're old and easy to rip apart."

"What --" I jolted away out of instinct. However, just as I did, his foot tripped me from behind, which caused me to lose balance. And the next thing I knew, I was already falling!

"Ahh..!" Instinctively, I stretched out my arms and held on to the nearest object I could.

It was him. I unconsciously held onto his chest to stop myself from falling. Alas, even when I kept myself from falling, it was not because I held onto him. His swift reflexes saved me as he caught me.

Now, I was in this awkward position, with me bending while he was holding me steadily, his arms around my waist. 

"Mi — milord?" I called out in a shaking tone. My hands clasping his chest shook as I loosened them slightly.

Falling was better than staying in this awkward position. He was too close, and it was too much physical contact; it was... distressing!

"Silly girl, do you know that a vampire's sex drive is the same as our desire for blood? It could make us lose our minds," he said, staring straight at me.

My mind immediately went blank upon hearing his remarks. "What?"

"And, I will not lie... the thought of tainting that innocence excites me," he added, licking his bottom lip as he looked at my neck with… fire beneath his eyes.

My racing heart pounded louder against my chest. Before I knew it, I was breathing heavily as my body temperature steadily rose.

I couldn't understand why my body was reacting this way. However, I felt this sudden urge of wanting and needing something I couldn't discern exactly what.

He traced my collarbones delicately. It was traveling at a slow pace, causing me to hold my breath.

"Ah… this drives me crazy," he whispered.

I could feel his insanely heated breath kiss my skin, my body telling me I want it.

But what exactly does my body want?

It seemed to understand something my mind couldn't comprehend. I was breathing slowly and heavily, and his touches made my position less uncomfortable or more snugly. My brain was torn.

"Do you know if I touched you down here…" From tracing my collarbones, his slender fingers carefully traveled down.

His fingers hooked on the hem of my clothes, guiding it down as it revealed more of my skin.

My father told me my bosom and other private parts of me shouldn't be touched by anyone. Thus, I was alarmed as his fingers inched closer to my chest.

His fingers only needed to proceed deeper, and he could touch my precious breast. But… I couldn't stop him.

I wanted to stop whatever spell he was casting on me. However, my body wanted otherwise.

Deep down, my subconscious mind wanted it as well. 

I don't want to be a woman if it was this… appalling.

Or… do I really abhor it?

Unconsciously, my grip on his chest tightened as I clenched my teeth. I felt like falling into a spell, liking his every touch, and felt disappointment when he stopped midway.

"If I touch you there, nothing can stop us anymore. Neither logic nor morals, it wouldn't matter." With his fingers doing circular motions above my chest, his eyes locked with mine. I felt my face heating as I bit my lower lip.

"Don't do that. I'm barely sane," he warned under his breath.

It sounded like he was struggling more than I was. Why?

I watched as his crimson orbs glinted as the sunset finally set. Our surroundings gradually became nothing but darkness, but his eyes were brighter than ever.

I felt like I was losing my mind just staring at those crimson eyes that seemed to magnetize me. It was slowly drawing me in. They looked dangerous, but deep within me, they thrilled me.

I'm nothing but a coward, and that was a fact. But, right now, I wasn't sure where I got this ridiculous courage and thoughts.

I'm not thinking straight, am I?

"Do you want it, though?" he asked, pushing the responsibility on me.

"N — no, milord." I helplessly stammered what I felt was right, but something in me was disappointed.  I felt like a liar.

"But your actions tell me otherwise." He smirked and his eyes never left mine, pointing out what I already knew.

"Do you know what will happen if you keep arousing me?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"Your name should be Silly, you're so silly." He chuckled weakly, inching closer as he slowly closed his eyes. "The answer is obvious. How can you not know?"

The apex of his narrow nose touched my cheek as I heard him suck air through his gritted teeth.

I gulped as the sensation that struck me was too tempting to lose. I held onto his chest, shutting my eyes tightly, and indulging myself in how his fiery breaths tickled my ears.

"I'll end up fucking you… hard; that's the answer, Silly," he whispered in my ear.