Lilou's bravado

As usual, the day flew by faster than I could grasp. I felt that ever since Samael came into my life, fate itself had been toying with me.

In retrospect, I often wished the day would end so I could rest. But now, the days were short and the nights with Samael in my home were long. For two days in a row, I had found myself staring at the road leading up to the hill where my little shack sat, dreary.

"Whether or not I return, nothing will change," I mumbled, clenching my hand tightly. "I just hope he hasn't come back yet," I added, letting out a heavy sigh. After that, I forced a step forward and dragged my feet up the hill.

I was used to forcing myself to walk home despite my physical exhaustion, but the last two days had been the worst.

What welcomed me at the top of the hill was something I didn't expect to see.

Knights milled around the area, some feeding their horses as others worked with wood and nails. Their heavy armor was scattered around the hill while they built a stable for the horses.

There were logs and other materials for creating a proper house. However, I couldn't understand what they were planning to establish in the location where my shack stood for years.

I watched everyone move around, doing their duties with little talk. I felt like I took a wrong turn and somehow ended up at a construction site.

Alas, my shack was still over there.

Just as I was watching them with discretion, my shoulders instantly froze.

"You," I heard the duke's right-hand man call from behind me.

I slowly pivoted on my heel and faced him. Without a second hesitation, I dropped to my knees and my forehead slightly hit the ground.

"Why are you kneeling?" he asked, bearing that same flat tone.

"This peasant pays respect to you," I exclaimed, trying to sound polite despite how I raised my voice to give myself a boost of courage.

"Even if you're a peasant now, you'll be the Duchess of Grimsbanne. Therefore, kneeling before someone could put His Lordship's position in a tight spot."

Rufus explained flatly, and I felt his words were akin to heavy rocks on my shoulders.

Future Duchess? Even the acting duke fell for that Duke's lies.

"I dare not have such ambition, Sir," I replied through my gritted teeth.

How could the acting duke fall for such lies? Peasants were illiterate. How could he even consider me being a duchess who had proper noble duties to fulfill? He should say that if he was bringing the receipt that they bought me a proper title.

"I am aware. A peasant shan't even dream. Just the thought of coveting something more than you can is punishable by death." Abiding by his character, Rufus agreed as he slapped me with the reality I had known for a long time.

As I listened to him, I could not help but clasp my hands tightly. Rufus was one of the examples of how nobles look down on peasants like me.

"However, once His Lordship sets his mind on something… or someone, it must happen. No matter how ridiculous it appears or how it could put his position in peril," Rufus added, and I remained silent.

If not for the Duke's lies, I was certain Sir Rufus wouldn't hold back. I could only think of the worst outcome if it weren't for Samael's indirect protection.

"I'm merely making myself clear. You must conduct yourself as a proper human, at the very least. Rise and never kneel before anyone," he ordered, and I never felt this fury within me reach its boiling point. I was used to being looked down on, receiving harsh criticism from nobles, and being treated like an animal.

I had grown numb from the nobles' whims. However, his last remark truly hit a nerve. Conduct myself as a proper human being?


As instructed, I raised my head and pulled myself up. When I was back on my feet, I faced Rufus, raising my chin while clenching my fist.

"I may be a peasant, but I've lived my days with humane morals, sir." Out of overwhelming emotions, I spat my words firmly. Even I was surprised at my bravery. But I had had enough of nobles constantly judging people by their upbringing and status.

"If you had ever gone out beyond your castle, you would have seen the irony of this world, Sir."

Upon saying my piece, I did a neck bow and turned my back against him. My situation had granted me the life of a woman ready for execution. I didn't care if defending myself would be punishable by death.

Nobles? Huh, don't make me laugh. Nobles only wanted their best interest. Meanwhile, peasants like me had to do everything to survive.

But, since our resources were limited, we'd been abiding by those who were in power. Some peasants may have been driven mad and committed crimes, but that just spoke volumes about how rotten this world had become.

I walked away without looking back. I had to keep this bravado until the end.

"Nobles… they're all the same," I whispered under my breath as I passed by the busy knights and headed straight to my shack.


"If you had ever gone out beyond your castle, you would have seen the irony of this world, Sir."

When Lilou spat her words and stormed away, it rendered Rufus speechless. He watched her leave, his eyes fastened with obvious fascination.

"Pfft—! Isn't she a little savage, Rufus?"

Suddenly, Samael's voice reached Rufus. The latter slowly turned his attention to him, raising his head, his eyes immediately spotting Samael sitting on the thick branch of a tree.

"Your Grace, how could you fancy such an ill-mannered peasant? Is this another rebellious act against the monarchy?" Rufus asked. The fascination in Rufus' eyes immediately faded. His tone remained the same as before.

"Rebellious act?" Samael repeated, chuckling faintly. "You of all people should know I could tear that man sitting on the throne apart and hang his head in the middle of the Capital if I do so please."

Samael smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. Rufus remained silent, pressing his lips into a thin line.

"You better be at ease, Rufus. Those nobles' whims you've entertained during my slumber are over. They've become far too spoiled and abused our people. My people."

"Your Grace, the palace favored those nobles. We can't…"

Rufus' words trailed off as soon as he witnessed the glint which flickered across Samael's crimson eyes. The former's eyes flashed with resolve, doing a neck bow.

"Your brother, the King, favored those nobles. However, Grimsbanne is the land you govern, Your Grace. Tell me which noble we should start with and we'll execute them immediately."

Samael chuckled, shaking his head lightly, and jumped off to land on the ground safely.

"Where is the Rufus I knew before I went to sleep?" Samael smirked, placing his hand over Rufus's stiff shoulder. He cast Rufus a knowing look as his smirk grew wider.

"Placing them on death row right away is far too boring, you know?"