Don't, Lilou. Don't even think about it.

Samael returned with Fabian and a few servants carrying towels and bowl of water. After putting everything in place, Samael ordered them to leave.

He then started wiping my ankle with a damp and cold small cloth. The light touches made me wince in pain, and I instinctively withdrew my foot, but he held on it.

"Stay still. It'll hurt a little, but it'll relieve the pain, eventually." Without glancing at me, Samael uttered.

I pursed my lips in a thin line, watching him damp my ankle gently. I darted my gaze from his hands on my ankle to his solemn countenance.

"I'm sorry I got carried away and led to this."

I expressed, believing I was giving him unnecessary worries and chore. Although he volunteered to tend to my sprained ankle, I still felt shamed.

I couldn't truly blame him. He didn't ask me to jump on the bed, nor I should have done it since I was merely a guest.

I failed to conduct myself properly and got excited like a kid.