Teach me

Samael had told me he and I would travel alone. He also asked the maidservants for me to have a change of clothes in a much simpler dress.

Yet, as a born peasant, there's nothing simple in these clothes. Well, it looked a bit plain, unlike the dresses I had been wearing.

But they were still pretty. Perhaps, in the eyes of the nobles, they're simple? I still couldn't understand what was the norm among nobles.

Not that I had encountered one aside from Sam. 

"What are you thinking?" I snapped back when I heard Sam inquired.

We were currently riding a horse at a very slow pace. Sam holding the reins while I sat in front of him; my feet on the horse's rear.

Slowly, I looked up at him. 

"I was thinking how come this dress is considered simple." I replied.

"Because the price is different." Sam glanced down at me briefly before he looked ahead.
