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"Pfft—!" Upon hearing my obvious lie, Sam burst out in laughter. His peels of laughters made me want to evaporate.

He shook his head as he laughed. When he recovered, he spoke.

"I slept with them — no, I put them to sleep, reading them stories, just like how a good big brother does." 

Sam explained, the corner of his lips stretched into a broader grin.

"Apparently, I don't lust for my sisters or cousins. It just feels strange after watching them grow up."

He added. I bit my lip once again as I gripped his shoulder.

"So, you haven't…? But… you watched me grow up as well." 

I took longer to speak about my query. Hesitating to expose myself than I already am.

"Correction. I'm merely listening. Goodness. I didn't even know how you look like until I woke up. How tall were you? What is the color of your hair? Your eyes? All I know is your voice and presence."

Right. He might be hearing me since my first cry. But, still…