The answer.

"Lilou, can I kiss you?"

The second I heard his question, my breath hitched. That was too sudden — I was not ready for it.

"I was thinking of kissing you, but I wanted to ask first." His eyes blazing with desire. His tone laced with too much air, making his voice husky.


My heart pounded against my chest. I could feel the heat coursing to the ends of my ears as my throat suddenly dried up.

Why would he suddenly shifts our conversation like that? Just how did it escalate to this point?

I could not recall. We were just talking about being summoned to the capital. Are we truly on the same page? How come he would flip to the end of the book?

We haven't had that magical connection like what I read on the books. Or just that perfect moment that would make us both think kissing was proper!

"Nevermind. I'll think of something else."