You're not perfect, Mister Fabian is.

"Do you love me, Sam?"

There was a moment of utter silence between us. I said it and also asked him. 

I never denied him. It was my heart, which I denied for a very long time.

I didn't know when it started or how it began. What I knew was no one had made me felt like this aside from him.

That night he came into my life. I wouldn't deny he frightened me out of my wits. Neither I would deny his action brought suspicion in my heart.

However, as time goes by, I learned to appreciate his small act of kindness. I kept my promise that night; that night he captured someone else's heart and shattered it into smithereens.

That night he asked me to see him as a man; I never saw him otherwise since then. I merely pretended and tricked my thoughts, trying to avoid it.

But ever since that night, I had taken notice of his sweet gestures and reserved actions towards me. Everything etched in my mind that now it was all crowding my head.