Lilou's wake

When Sam dropped the news, I found myself a little out of it. No maidservants came to serve me in the morning to dress or brush my hair.

But I managed alone. Sam insisted on helping me, but I refused.

Watching the maidservants do everything made me learn this task. I'm a born peasant, a laborer. Hence, it was a habit of mine to learn simple task to add to my skills just in case.

I met Sam in our bedchamber. He offered me a smile as I approached.

"My bride is so beautiful without even trying." He sighed, meeting me halfway, and stopped a step away from me.

I bit my lower lip and avoided his gaze. "You're just saying that."

Have he seen himself in the mirror?

"Lilou, my little love, I was never smitten with someone my entire existence. I've traveled half of the world, and I've never met someone half as gorgeous as you!" Sam exclaimed, taking a step forward with his arms spread wide.

He held my shoulder, his gaze on me.