The Prodigal Son II

"It's because of a… prank?" I gasped in disbelief.

Unbelievable. Incredibly beyond belief!

Fabian chuckled because of my tone and expression. I'd laugh as well if I were in his shoes.

"It was a joke that could possibly be a threat, my lady. The Duke may be a bit… blithe, but he is not someone to be taken lightly." Fabian said with a smile.

Deep down, I'm aware of that. The Duke wouldn't get so much recognition and respect from his people if he was to be taken lightly. I respected him, not just because he'd be my husband, nor because of the title in his name.

I respected him because of his noble actions.

"If only the Duke vied for the throne, he would be the King despite any opposition." Fabian affirmed, which caught me off guard.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. Sam? As the king? 

I wouldn't say that would be a terrible thing with how Grimsbanne now. However, just thinking of such an ambitious thing felt… appalling.