Paintings II

What am I seeing?

I blinked my eyes countless of times, closing my mouth. Alas, no matter how I blinked, his work didn't change.

"Was that me?" Out of shock, I blurted out.

"Yes." Sam answered flatly, as if what he was putting on his canvass was something I'm merely over-reacting with.

"Goodness…" I gasped, leaning in to see it clearer. "And I'm naked?!"

Finally, Sam's hand stopped, raising his head to see my appalled expression.

"It's… art." With his same flat tone, Sam explained.

I took a step back, gazing at him from head to toe. The first canvass turned out incomparable.

But this one, although it was beautiful. Why am I naked? What if other people see it?

"Is it bad?" Sam pressed his lips together, furrowing his brows, seeing my reaction.

"Definitely, not!" I instantly denied. "It's beautiful, my lord. But, don't you think it's… indecent?"