
We set off at dawn and only at dusk; we reached our first stop: Whistlebird. I peeked out to see the town from a distant.

"Wow…" I mumbled, excited to see what kind of town we'd be sleeping tonight.

"You seem excited." Sam's voice came from across me. 

Slowly, I retracted my gaze from the window and leaned back. Sam was sitting across me. A smirk turned up on his lips as he tilted his head to the side.

"It's my first time going out of Grimsbanne. I'm excited to see what kind of town was the closest to Grimsbanne." I smiled out of excitement.

I didn't know Grimsbanne was that far from other towns. Hence, my curiosity gradually intensified.

"Tsk tsk." In response to my enthusiasm, Sam clicked his tongue while lightly shaking his head. 

I raised my brows and blinked. "Would I get disappointed?"

"Haha." Sam chuckled. "Maybe, maybe not."